Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Oh what a day!

Shannon and I piled these 2 little Monkeys in the car and were off to run some "Special Errands"
After Business was done we went and got 5 Guys Burgers and Fries
then off to enjoy lunch on the beach.
The weather was Perfect... and the food Delish... And the Company Top Notch!
Miss Millie and Nolan

Courage is Simply the Willingness to be Afraid and Act Anyway...
Together we can Move mountains!
(And if the mountains don't move... we can scare anyone in the way with these faces!)

It was a Yummy Afternoon!


HARA said...

You are the BEST! I love 5 guys. YUMMY. We spent 3 hours at the park having a picnic, friends, kids, food, perfect morning. Glad you had a great day. LOVE YOU! Oh - and apparently we are having summer or maybe spring in November, my kids went to school in shorts.

Alli Hunter said...

Where's the pics of you in your bikini's on the beach?!! He He!!

Kim said...

Kelly in a bikini...I would love to see that. I love that you have been adventuring out for activities. How do you find the time? We have had the most gorgeous weather EVER and I can't seem to find a second to enjoy it. I need to learn a thing or two from you. There is nothing better than 5 guys, the beach, & a friends!

Katheryn said...

You are so cute! You ALWAYS have fun no matter where you go or who you are with. That is one of the things I love about you!

Mandi said...

I am with Katheryn, you are cute and you have fun no matter where you are. I also love that you always are smiling and truly enjoying life. Glad you had a fun mommy day. Friends are great! Millie and Noel are too cute!

Janie Mueller said...

Sounds like a Wonderful afternoon!!

JaMie HeApS said...

love the scary faces, they would work some magic. what a fun day there is nothing like a good budy by your side to run arrons with. she is lucky to have you!! i love the shirt, i think i tryed the some one on i white, looks much better on you.

Gwen said...

Shannon looks like fun. Millie looks happy with her little friend. Life looks good right now. Soak up all the sun possible. I love you Kelly!