Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas! xoxoxo
Love, The Thompson Troop


Alli Hunter said...

What a beautiful family!! Love the new pic!!

jamie heaps said...

love the new family pics you all look so old. i am missing out on so much of you little monkeys... do you know you aunt jamie loves you, i wish i would squeeze you all and mabey sneack in a little kiss. one more night, i can waite i hope i can sleep.

The Grover Gang said...

Your new family pics are super cute! Especially the "kissing Heath" one! I still can't believe you have kiddos so BIG!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Brittney said...

That is such a beutiful family! I just love them all!!!!! Love always, Britt:)

Katheryn said...

I think that one was my favorite picture! Hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas and a very safe trip. We love you! Let us know when you get back. We'd love to get together and do something!

Nicki said...

I love your new family pictures! SO CUTE!

Kelly said...

DO NOT CLICK ON THAT LAST COMMENT! I don't know what or who it is...?
It may be a Virus!

Kim said...

Merry Christmas Thompsons!! It is Christmas night and it wqas so fun to talk to you and see you all! Boy is it hard to be so far away from you guys especially for the holidays! Hope the journey to CHicago is going good. We will keep you in our prayers and know that you will find just the perfect place for your family! Loved seeing Kade and Max give their best buddy sign and seeing your cute girls big grins. Glad Santa found you! Love you all!!!

HARA said...

Beautiful picture! Love you guys. The service project turned out awesome. We tied 9 blankets for the NICU Miles stayed at. Our goal is to eventually donate 56 - one for each day he spent in the hospital. It's so great to see the kids help, and as a mother of one sick kid that spent days in the hospital, when the nurses would give me a blanket I cried every time. He ended up with ten blankets from the hospital.

Jenna Harris said...

Merry Christmas! I loved, LOVED the Christmas card, but it had no return address!! I'm (finally) sending mine out and I'd love to send you one. Email me at jennakwoodatgmaildotcom.

Heather said...

Merry Christmas Thompson Troop! Wish we could see all your cute faces. Hope your having a great time in Chicago. Love your new pictures!

Anna said...

Your Blog always makes me feel happy inside. I think you could publish it for sell. Chicago? Wow, best wishes to you...wish you could have stayed for the end of the school year. Anna

Gwen said...

Thompsons and Christmas in both Florida and Chicago. Warm and Freezing but all hanging close together. I have thought of you about a hundred times this season and tried to imagine just what you are all doing. I have my fingers crossed for your favorite house. Thanks for the calls, we looked forward to them every night. I would love to come help you move. My prayers are with you and all the many decisions. Happy Sunday Night, (By the way Millie, Grandma does believe in FAIRIES). I love you all!

Anne Marie Corey said...

The card you sent was beautiful. I love your family. Say hi to your beautiful girls and handsome Kade for me. When are you moving?

Alan said...

With you moving, how happy am I to have not taken a job in Jacksonville! Good luck on the move! What a great looking fam!