Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

My Teacher

Last night Heath myself and Millie were laying on my
bed talking when
Out of the blue Millie says,
"My Dad is my Coach and My Mom is my Teacher. "
I said, "Oh yea what do I teach you?"
Millie says, "To cook."
She then proceeds to tell me how to make brownies...
"You turn the oven on. Get the eggs and smash them in the bowl with brown stuff.
Then you have to run open the door and let the smoke out...."
I guess I haven't left a very good impression on her with my cooking skills if what she remembers about making brownies is running and opening the door to let the smoke out...


HARA said...

Very Cute. Hey you could have let her poor little lungs suck up all the smoke - very good teaching moment, smoke bad! However, if you made brownies, I'm sure they were yummy. Why do I associate chocolate chip cookies with you and Heath????

Katheryn said...

Hahahaha! So cute! She probably just remembers that one incident (because I know you and I am sure it was only once) because she thought it was fun! Let's at my house though, the smoke alarm goes off regularly :)

Kim said...

I know all the amazing things she is learning from her teacher and coach. Making brownies is at the top of the important ones! I love her!

Casey Gentle said...

You're teaching her safety! And the smoke is probably for those times the "coach" is bringing in the rest of the "team." Just get an air horn to go with it.

Laurel Shaw said...

Sounds like the way i cook too! That is too funny!

The Grover Gang said...

Kids say the funniest, yet truthful things! I am sure your cookies are amazing and you are a much better cook and teacher than I. My children would say that our cookies come from a dough container in the fridge, never home made!!

jamie heaps said...

im just glad she said making brownies instead of a gross caseroll or something. you would be a great teacher infact i think i learned many of things from you... one being a TIGHT ringlet in highschool. i love you kell and i love you millie watch that teacher closely she has lots to teach you!

Mandi said...

Ha Ha Ha... that is hilarious! Did you teach her to stop, drop, ad roll? I have to disagree with Millie YOU are a great cook ask Kade... I bet he will tell you the Wonton salad is his favorite. I know I tell you all the time but Millie is really just too cute for her own good. Heath better get ready! He is goig to be i T-R-O-U-B-L-e!

Gwen said...

Millie your hair is so long and gorgeous! Brownies are my favorite too!