Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Reason to Smile!

Maizie was Quick to Forgive me when I sent her to school in her Pajama's.
Only Problem was Pajama Day is Tomorrow.
About 3o minutes after I dropped her off it hit me...
Wrong Day...
I quickly grabbed a change of clothes and ran to the school. Maizie meet me with a Big Hug and said, "it's OK Mom, I will be ready for Tomorrow!"

Heath and McKinnley made a Fancy Dinner!
Notice the Fire Heath is making...
It was Delish!
Steak with sauteed Mushrooms and Onions in this
Incredible sauce, Rosemary Potatoes and Peas!
Lucky Me... I get to clean up the Grease!
The Jacksonville Jaguars are playing the Indianapolis Colts tonight.
Kade is for the Colts...
Heath is for the Jags...
Kade got into his Jersey for LUCK!
We all curled up on the couch with Gmat's Famous Mint Brownies.
Love my Boys!
Other Reasons...
My car battery died, Heath was with me to get me a New Battery!
I have Clean bed sheets to climb into tonight!
Only one more day till the kids are out for Christmas Break!
My neighbor gifts are all finished ready to deliver!
Heath ran errands with me and we had a yummy lunch date!
I have a clean fridge, with Eggnog inside!
Life is Good!


Heather said...

Your reasons make me smile. Heath and Kinner's dinner looks divine. Maizie was probably psyched about getting to wear pajamas two days in a row. I know we all love our pj's around here. Love clean sheets and watching sports together. The Thompson Troop makes me smile. Love you guys.

HARA said...

That dinner looks so yummy! Maize is to cute, and is there anything better than getting into fresh sheets? Merry Christmas, love you, and I'm sure your neighbor gifts are amazing! Wish we were still neighbors :(

Kim said...

What a day!! I love Maizie! Abbie and Lucy would have been trilled to have snuck an extra pj day in. I love how you ran her down some clothes once you remembered. I wish I my husband had some cooking skills especially with his gourmet taste buds. When he is in the kitchen you are always in for a treat! We watched that game too last night. Whew it came down to the very end. We are Colts fans and Max was so excited to see Kade in his jersey. He just kept asking what number do you think it is? He is sure hoping for a #17 for Christmas. Too bad we didn't have some gourmet brownies to watch it with. You guys know how to live. I also changed sheets yesterday and made neighbor gifts. We must be on the same wave length. Love you!

jamie heaps said...

oh it sounds like a good day!!! mazie you would have been the hit of the class in pjs or a fancy outfit. i think your mom just wanted to sneack in and see you:) and that fancy meals looks fab. good work could you pass the recipie my way? i love you guys hope you sleep good in those clean sheets.

The Grover Gang said...

I love that Maizie was quick to forgive, I think we all need to take lessons from her!! I would love to have Heath teach Jared some of his amazing fire skills in the kitchen! And thank heaven Heath was with you when your car battery died!! You inspire me to look for the good in all!! THANKS!

Brittney said...

That dinner looks great! I am coming over when they make it again!!! And I bet that Mazie was so thrilled to wear he P.Js two days in a row to go to school! I know I would!!! I love the feeling of having clean sheets that are still warm to cuddle with!! Exspecialy on a chilly night!!! And we love to watch some football together!!! GO GATORS!!! I like Kades jersey he has on it's pretty cute!! I love how you make me laugh!! Love always, Britt :)

Laurel Shaw said...

What a Happy Family!
Ya'll are always smiling.

Katheryn said...

Those really are good reasons to smile :) That dinner looks so delish! And I know Kade must be very happy right now. I have to admit the Colts season is pretty darn impressive!!

What did you make for your neighbor gifts? I still haven't done mine. I am such a slacker!!!!!!!!

Mandi said...

Oh I love the whole PJ thing.... I can totally see myself doing that with Abi one day. You made me smile I loved that story that much!

I thought you were the great cook in the family, you better watch out the kids are gonna start asking Heath to make your famous WONTON salad. Do not let Heath take your title away! I smell a cook off coming. =)

Clean sheets are one of my favorite things in the world. Nothing like a nice shower and hopping into nice clean sheets. Just seeing the FUN day that the Thompson Troop had makes me smile. I am off to put some PJ's on my little cuties to honor of Maizie.