Thursday night we call gathered around the table to make our
Valentines for the kids Class Parties.
Valentines Morning came with 2 sick little girls, so
I got to stay home and take care of them.
McKinnley woke up bright and early ran down stairs and began
making Pink Pancakes from Scratch!
Watch Out Paula Dean Kinner's in the Kitchen!
I made a bed for the girls in the kitchen while I prepared our Valentines Dinner.
(Thank You!)
We ate some and delivered some to some of our new friends in the ward.
The kids were so Cute... Heath and I got several Valentines card made with glue, paper, markers, stickers, and written love notes... Kade headed up the crafts helping Maizie and Millie with spelling and hanging up the cards.

Madison decided she wanted to do the dishes for all of us for Valentines it was Wonderful!
I am so Blessed to have such an Amazing Family!
We Only Learn To Love By Loving!
Irish Murdoch
Irish Murdoch
What a Blessing it has been to get to move all over the map. We have been able to get to know and Love so many people! With it being LOVE Day, I wish I could give you all a Giant Valentines Day Hug and tell you how much you mean to our Family. We Love You!
I thought the least we could do was to
Wish you all a Happy Valentines Day... Chicago Style!
oh sick kids for the holidays is the worst. i hope they are all feeling better. i wish kinners could have been here to whip ip some tasty breaky, then maddi to top it off with the dishes done. what a treat! i love the snowman adn the heart jello, im sure the dinner was a masterpiece. wish i could love on you guys... soon
I love your family! Only your family could make Valenties Day seem like the best holiday ever. Madison is amazing..... doing dishes is the nicest thing ever! Tell Kinners I want to know why we never knew her amazing pancake skills? I am glad you guys are taking charge and loving it in Chigago. Love the snow man, what a change in weather from flip flops to snow boots. We miss you all. Thank you for Abigails letter/pic from the girls. She was thrilled it is hanging on her closet door.
Okay, you guys have some serious skills at your house. First of all those are the cutest heart cookies I've seen! And the snowman was so stinkin cute :) And the heart jello looked so yummy!! I'm so glad you had such a happy Valentines day!
SUPER MOM!! You never cease to amaze me girl! LOVE the snowman! You have such a beautful family, I can feel the love just bouncing off the screen everytime I look at your blog! I Love you!
I love the Valentine Snowman!!! You have the MOST AMAZING family. You set such a wonderful example of love:)
You guys never do anything less than amazing!! What a cute snowman!
That sure is lots of snow. My boys would go crazy!! No fair! Happy Valentines Day!
It was fun to hear your voice for a minute tonight. I am sorry your kiddo's are sick. Lucky they have such a great mom to take care of them. Love the valentines,roses, the pancakes, the snowman, the cookies, and most importantly the message on my machine last night from you! I love the Thompson family and glad you had a FABULOUS valentines. We love you all!
Those cookies look delicious and pink pancakes sound perfect right about now. Note, I'm a little hungry so the food really appealed to me ;) Loved your pink heart snowman too. Very cute! Love you guys!
Kelly. You have the best imagination and cutest little family! The ideas just keep flowing-You are an inspiration to all of us :) I love you!
I agree. You make us all look bad, can do it all especially right after a move. Thanks for your post on my blog. I check yours frequently but haven't left a message. Your family is gorgeous! I hope you survive the rest of the Chicago winter. Hard after Florida! Myabe see you this summer?
Oh that stinks having sick kidos for the hoilday! But I bet you still made it the best day ever! Yall' make everyday special! I wish you all a happy happy Valentines day! I wish that you could come and give us all hugs! Florida is stinkin without yall' here! Those pancakes sure do look yummy! ANd plus you don't have to do the dishes! That must have rocked!That is such an awesome snowman! Maybe this upcoming summer we can all make one together! And that is such cool jello! It looks hard to make! But you and your family have the talents of Betty Crocker! LIke my mom said you guys set sucha great example of the perfect family! I try harder and harder to be more like the Tompsons! Love ya always, Britt <3 <3 <3
Looks like a great Valentine's Day. Love your cute snowman and sign and Kinners flipping the flap jacks. Maddi- your awesome to whip out the dishes. What a gal! Love you guys!
So when did you go to cooking school??? Those cookies are selling worthy and the jello, well what can I say about that, it speaks for itself!! Valentines is the BEST!!
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