Flowers & a Get Better Note from Kade. I love the special Cursive Handwritting & Normal just in case...
I hurt my back and have been in bed... Heath and the kids have been taking Good Care of Me!
Yesterday was Kade's day to stay home from school and be my helper. He was Awesome! He made Delicious Ham Sandwiches, and took such good care of his little sisters. I had my bedroom windows open and could hear him showing Maizie and Millie how to be Tough when they play football. I could also hear them laughing and playing which I LOVED! A few minutes later I hear the back door slam shut and some shuffling around in the kitchen... not much talking.
All three of them came up with "Treausres" for me!
Millie Brought up a Giant handfull of "Fresh Picked" Dandilions...
And I feel Much Better!
No - not your back again! How often does this happen? I love the note, and some of the best flowers I ever get are those pretty danylions! Get better.
Oh dear I'm so sorry about your back, that sounds awful! I sure hope those sweet kiddos helped make it all better! They're so thoughtful :))
Oh NO! I wish I was there to help take care of you too! But you really do have the very best nurses around :) Kade's letter is so sweet. Maize and Millie just keep getting prettier and prettier! I hope you get lots of rest and that your back will heal quickly. I love you and take care of yourself!
I hope you get better quickly. I'll call you later (because now is probably naptime)to see what I can do to help you this week. I'm TOTALLY up for your little ones over and would love to bring you dinner, go to the store or whatever I can do to help. And ALWAYS feel like you can call me.
That is horrible, I remember your poor back going out on you in cheer, and when you were stressed out!! If you are stressed all you have to do is email me and I will totally listen to anything and everything you need to get off your chest! (Seriously) You are super lucky to have such amazing kids!! I luv the dandilions, You can send them over to my house to pick some for you out of my lawn!!
There is nothing more heartwarming then seeing your kids play together. Hope you're feeling better!
Oh Kel- I am so sorry about your back. I wish we could get you a new one so you can do all the things that you want to do. I am so glad that your kids are so good and helpful. We are praying for a quick and permanent recovery. We love you!
good thing you have such a cute family to take such good care of you, i bet a few morenotes and flowers and you'll be feeling top notch.
Little boys are so good to their momma's- right! Cade you are awesome!!! sorry about your back kelly. I wish ya'll were still around here- the kids could come over and play with dogs and give you some rest! but on the other hand it sounds like they are taking great care of you! i hope you feel better soon girl.
Hope you are hanging in there!!! I am glad you have such a great family that loves you and takes care of you. I am praying for you and sending some good vibes...
So glad you can blog with a hurt back. I remember what Maizie told me. "My Mom broke her back out." So glad your kids are learning to care for you. The flowers are a trait learned from their Mom. Has the parmesan cheese smell left your house yet? Some of the hardest times in life leave with us the best memories. Wish I was there to create a little I love you something!
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