Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Bike Ride

We took a family bike ride... our first stop was to Red Robin for lunch...
Then off to explore...
Millie didn't last to long before she was off to sleep!

Half way we stopped to climb a few trees and get some much needed Rest!
Few Highlight of the Ride...
My Favorite was looking back to see Heath and Maizie Holding Hands!
The kids Red Hot Faces...
The Yummy Garlic Fries...
Maizie Mastering "No Hands"
Kids Climbing the trees..
McKinnley's Rest stop, laying down in the ant hill...
Maizie's injuries...
Making it to the top of the Hill...
Coming home to a Cool Air Conditioned Home!


jamie heaps said...

looks like so much fun, we heaps need to get us some bikes, our kids are a little behind on that. sounds like the pefect ride, glad you snuck in some yummy lunch, never tried the robins garilic fries i better give em a whirl.

Unknown said...

I absolutely LOVE the pic of Heath and Maizie holding hands. so sweet!
Looks fun--though I don't think I'd handle the FL heat/humidity very well. I have a bike trailer--just haven't used it yet.

The Grover Gang said...

Your family is so stinkin' CUTE!! Bike rides are the best and you all look GREAT on your bikes!! I am glad you found what looks like an incredible tree to climb!!

Alli Hunter said...

I'm just jealous that your weather is warm enough to actually need the air conditioner!! Not here :( So glad you had a good bike ride, and good choice with Red Robin our favorite too!!

Emilee said...

What a cute bum on that bike! Did it kill your back? Jason and I are always wishing we had bikes. WE need some to ride with our kids. WHat a fun day! THe picture of Heath and Maizie is so cute! Wish we had weather to turn on the air conditioner. We are bundled up in our winter parkas! What a fun family activity! xoxo

Brittney said...

Nice shirt maddi!!! Go yellow Jackets yup! That is kinner's shirt right?!?! That is so sweet of Bro tompson and mazie holding hands while riding bikes so sweet! And Kade way to go climbing the tree! And poor millie i don't blame her I would have crashed too! :) And kinners way to go for sitting in a ant pile! Sometimes I think that you are a blonde! JK sis. thompson I love your hair! I love you all Britt :)

Nicki said...

Oh my goodness...HOW FUN! I love the picture of Heath and Maizie. Are you sure that wasn't staged?? TOO CUTE!

Mandi said...

What a fun day! I loved seeing the pic of Millie and Heath so cute. SHe is getting so big.

Gwen said...

The picture of Heath and Maizie holding hands while ridding is the best! What a fun family outing. Heath you had inspiration getting that bike for Kelly for Mother's Day. Kelly it is Saturday and I am waiting for your call from the doctor. She is going to say the antibiotic you are on is going to do the trick for you. Call me. I found one more thought on Faith. Faith and hard work help us find refuge from the storm, we are never alone if we have faith. You are going to great tomorrow. Can't wait to hear all the details. I love you head to toe.