Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

McKinnley and Gabby

McKinnley was one of only a couple Students to get picked for the Annual "Haines Tour to Fox" 
Then each Student was able to invite a friend. They biked 18 miles along
the Fox River and then ended with a Yummy Pizza Dinner! 
Here is McKinnley and Gabby after the Long Ride!

Way to Go McKinnley!
 We are So Proud of you for being such a Awesome Student,
Friend, Sister and Daughter!
We Love You!


The Grover Gang said...

Wow 18 miles!!! That is amazing!!
Mckinnley, you inspire me!!! Cute pic too!!

Nathan said...

Sounds like a lot of fun. Way to go Mckinnley!

jamie heaps said...

KINNERS HOW DO YOU ALWAYS SCORE ON ALL THE FUN SCHOOL STUFF... YOU MUST BE THE ALL TIME STUDENT!!! what a blast i bet after that 18 mile ride that pizza tasted oh so good, hope they had a nice cold coke to wash it down with.

Kim said...

The Thompsons come through again! The awards and special treatment never ends. Way to Go McKinnley! You look so cute and it sounded like so much fun! What a darling friend you have. Keep being that super cute good girl you are! And Kelly I need to call you. It has been way to long. Love you!

Mandi said...

KInners hair is so straight and pretty.... is there a new straightner in the Thompson home? Great job on the bike ride that really is amazing! We miss you guys!

Heather said...

Nice work! I can't imagine an 18 mile bike ride. I'm sure I wouldn't want to sit the next day! :) Kinners you and your friend look dashing in your cool helmets. Kai thinks it looks like a sponge bob helmet. Can you hear us whistling at you from way over here? We love you!

Gwen said...

Oh Kenners I would have picked you too. Your eyes are giant and your hair is long. Your friend looks like a great partner. Eighteen miles, it is good you have been biking with your family. You are lucky to have a good bike and the legs to go with it. I am always proud of you. Kenners I want to talk to you about Young womens. I am so glad your Mom is in there with you! I love you this Sunday morning!

Gwen said...

Oh Kenners I would have picked you too. Your eyes are giant and your hair is long. Your friend looks like a great partner. Eighteen miles, it is good you have been biking with your family. You are lucky to have a good bike and the legs to go with it. I am always proud of you. Kenners I want to talk to you about Young womens. I am so glad your Mom is in there with you! I love you this Sunday morning!

Gwen said...

P.S. Sorry I doubled click