Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Mighty Garden

The Garden has been Carefully Planned, Prepared, Built, Watered and Loved!

Lessons Learned...

Planting a Garden is lots more fun working as a Family...
Cow Manure really stinks!
A Cold Drink taste So Good On a Hot Afternoon...
Getting your hands dirty is Fun!
Looking out the window and seeing our garden make the Heart Happy!
Dandilions make Mom Smile!
Heath is the Garden Master!


Laurel Shaw said...

So cool. I love the shape of your garden. you can get to everything!
Gardens are happy places. the picture of Maizie with the cokes sure makes me thirsty! I love ice cold coke. Nothin's better! Except for that garden!!

Sara said...

I envy your warm weather. It's still freezing here! Your garden already looks awesome. I barely recognized the dandelions they were done up so cute. May all your plants grow lots of veggies!

Katheryn said...

Looks gorgeous! I know you will enjoy all the wonderful things that will grow in it! There is just something special about eating something that you grew yourself!

Love you lots!

Alli Hunter said...

Love a good garden, and yours looks great!! You have lots of awesome helpers, and that makes it even better :)

The Grover Gang said...

You guys are serious Gardeners!!! I luv it!! I also luv the dirty, yet helping, adorable hands!! I hope your garden grows delicious veggies and fruits!!!

the design boss said...

My garden makes my heart happy too!! Yours looks fabulous!!

Kim said...

LOVE IT! Leave it the Thompsons to whip them up a nice little garden and make the yard incredible. You guys are amazing at that. Love that you all worked together and the pictures are so cute! Wish I could whip one of those up in my yard but it would last 10 seconds with the deer. I can just imagine the yummy things you will be making with the award winning crops. Hope your back is hanging in there!

JaMie HeApS said...

heath and his gardens, he has the magic touch. i always love visiting heaths house during summer or spring because he bbound to give you a tour of the amazing garden hes planted and he KNOWS his flowers and plants.
what a fun day i hope you soaked it all in.

Maizie is Crazy! said...

looken good mom i love you

Shaharac said...

It still makes me sad to drive by your house and not see all the beautiful colors of flowers. You guys made that yard so beautiful. Fresh veggies are the best!

Gwen said...

Loved the pictures! Heath and his green thumb. Only wish someone would have taken a picture of you Kelly. I want to see a up close picture of you so I can look in your eyes and see how you really are. When I ask how your back is you say fine, I am pretty sure I can't believe it. How in the heck did we ever move so far away from each other? I want a night on your bed just to talk. I want to hear about Shannon. And each one of your kids. I want to hear more about Heath's talk. I want to hear about what you and Millie do when everyone else is gone. Do you have a new favorite chocolate treat? Maybe what I need is just a good long phone call, or wings. I sure do love you, Kelly!