Could it be True... I have a TEENAGER?
Happy Birthday McKinnley
We are so blessed to have McKinnley in our family for Many Reasons:
But here are a few of my Favorite!
But here are a few of my Favorite!
She has rolled into becoming a teenager with Ease!
She Loves to hold the phone so we are always able to get a hold of her.
If music is on McKinnley is dancing!
She keeps the family up to date on What's "COOL!"
She helps her Mom pick out what to wear!
My camera is always full of silly pic or videos of her.
My camera is always full of silly pic or videos of her.
She loves to borrow her Mom's clothes and shoes..
She can text like no one business..
McKinnley looks Beautiful in Make-up!
She often has to remind me to Just Have Fun!
McKinnley looks Beautiful in Make-up!
She often has to remind me to Just Have Fun!
McKinnley is a friend to Everyone.
McKinnley has the Thickest Most Amazing Hair..
McKinnley is super Smart and always helps her younger Bro & Sis. with Homework.
McKinnley Loves to cook and we reap the Rewards!
I LOVE YOU Kinners!
May these Teenage years be "Easy" on you!
Never Forget Who You Are!
I LOVE YOU Kinners!
May these Teenage years be "Easy" on you!
Never Forget Who You Are!
Thanks mom!! It's weird to think that im a TEENAGER!! Thanks fro all that good stuff about me! Thanks for being the best mom EVER! LOVE U!
♥. kinners
hey mom those where some cool things you gave mckinnley i am jelouse about the makeup
Happy Birthday McKinnley! I know your mom could write a list a mile long of all the wonderful things about you! Hope this birthday is the best ever!
i love you mckinnley
love maizie
Happy Birthday Mckinnley!! You are a Beautiful girl, just like your mom!! Your hair is gorgeous! Kelly and Heath you better watch out, the Boys are going to go CRAZY over her!! I would luv to see some of this dancing!! Your mom was a serious dancer and I am sure she still is! I miss all the "COOL MOVES" we use to bust out!!
Wow, McKinnley...13! Seems like it was just a month or two ago that you turned 12 and joined the young women in Middleburg. So happy you are doing well and that you are a special part of such a wonderful family. Have super fun being a teen! : )
Kenners, what I wouldn't give to rustle my fingers through that thick hair, toss you to the ground, and give you kisses all over. Happy 13 to the BEST OF THE BEST! I always, always love you Miss Teen.
Wow. 13. Scary! She is such a beautiful young woman. All your children are gorgeous!
I can remember barrowing my mom's clothes too! i felt so grown up. Tell her happy birthday from the shaws!
I loved your spa day! Such a cool idea! and even cooler that Cade got in on the action.
McKinnley- Happy Happy Birthday! All of those things your mother said about you is true. You are an amazing girl and I love watching you grow. You are so beautiful and your eyes just shine. What would I give for your beautiful hair? I can tell what a good girl you are and your brother and sisters are so lucky to have you for their example. Have a blast this year! 13 is always a lucky year. I want to hear how cheer try outs went. WE sure love you! I'm glad Emilee has you for a best friend. Listen to your mom and always remember who you are!!!
kinners 13 holly schmolly. oh how i love you.. i dont know if its cuz you were my first neice but i think theres something speacial between us.. i remeber holding you when you were little and thinking you were the cutest thing on earth. and i still do. what a fun age im glad your keeping things fun for your mom. and just know she DID NOT LIKE SHARING HER CLOTHES WITH ME when we grew up so be glad she's likeing doing it with you.
Being a teenager was fun McKinnely you will love it! I have seen the love she has for her brother and sisters first hand and the amount of help she is always willing to offer. The week I got to watch your kids steal is one of my favorite weeks of all time! I agree Kelly you have your self one amazing teenager that I also have to agree has amazing hair!
Happy B-day McKinnley! She is beautiful inside and out.
What a beauty! Happy teens McKinnley!!
We love McKinnley! Such a sweet girl!
I love the Dirks Bentley song..."I got a roof over my head."
I HOPE THAT YOU HAD A FANTASTIC DAY!!! I FORGOT THAT YOU ARE OLDER THAN ME HAHHA(: I LOVE YOU!!!! (good luck to sister Thompson) haha ♥ britt
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