Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

You know it's Summer When...

I try to take a pic of the kids and they yell "No More Pictures!" And so I end up with a smile like this.
It's OK, I still think he's adorable!
You know it's Summer when:
 The kids Look Funky for the Swim Meets but Swim Like Micheal Phelps!
Maizie lost her 2 front teeth all in the same Day!
You Know it's Summer Time when: the Table is Filled with Fresh Cut Flowers from the Yard!
You Know its Summer time when:
The kids come running inside with battle wounds!
Poor lil Millie came in bruised and bleeding!
You know it's Summer Time when:
 I can't keep the Freezer Stocked with Popsicles, and lips are stained Blue!
You Know it's Summer Time when:
A Smore late at night in the back yard taste likes Heaven!

You Know it's Summer Time When:
You turned on the sprinklers for the 3rd time in one day and it's still Not Enough!

Oh how we LOVE these Summer Days!


Katheryn said...

Oh how I love summer too! Looks like your summer has been amazing. Love you guys! Party on!

Pam said...

I always love the pictures you post. Those flowers are beautiful! I'd love to have some of those in my yard. : )

The Grover Gang said...

Summertime is the BEST!! I luv kade and his fake smile, reminds me of my own kiddos!! The smores look and sound delish and the pic of you and Heath is too cute!! I hope you have an A-mazing rest of summer!!!

JaMie HeApS said...

soak em in.. cuz there ending fast. there really is nothing better, and those smores are looking delish.

mazie i hope the tooth fairy payed out big time for the first too.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. That picture of little Millie sleeping with the battle wounds is the cutest! What a beauty.

Kim said...

Millie I hope your owies are feeling better. To bad we don't get to spend our summers together. I treasure the fun one's we had spending our nights at softball games and our days at 7 peaks or our ladys lunches at each other's houses. WHere did those days go? I'm glad you are having fun! Love you all!

Gwen said...

The picture of Maizie with her swim goggles on has deep meaning. She is proudly sporting her two lost teeth with a big grin. Shear joy seems to always beam from her. But look at the reflection in the goggles, you and Heath are in the reflection, standing by her cheering her on in life. What a gift loving parents are. The ones that totally adore their child. Lucky Maizie.
Millie, your look like an angel sleeping after a good cry and some nasty hurts. I know someone tenderly cared for you. I am sending my get well kisses to you. Bunches of love,Grandma

Brittney said...

I loveeee the summer too(: but it sure is hot here in Flordia! The flowers are absoluty amazing! Mazie is so cute with those teeth gone(: