Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Saturday Excitement

Maizie played in her 1st soccer game ever and scored 6 point for her team.
"Mini Mia Hamm"
 Kade played and score his teams only point.
 The girls went to cheer camp and then preformed at the high school half time.
Our day was filled with Excitement to say the Least!


Janie Mueller said...

WHOA!! Way to go Maizie!!!

Kim said...

It's in the blood I tell ya! Way to go THompson kids. I know your parents were PROUD! Love you all!

Katheryn said...

WAy to go Maize! That is awesome! Looks like a compeltely packed but very day!

Mandi said...

Your kiddos are getting so darn big. They are adorable! Love Maizie and boy that is super impressive! The girls I bet are the best cheerleaders ever, and Kade I bet is the best one his field. What a fun day cheering on all those sports stars!

JaMie HeApS said...

awe ya mazie.. i bet you had all the parents watching in awe, i want to know if you did a celebratory dance after each goal? and kade good work, i bet your dad was so proud!
and you dancing fools i can so tell you have the moves:)

JaMie HeApS said...

awe ya mazie.. i bet you had all the parents watching in awe, i want to know if you did a celebratory dance after each goal? and kade good work, i bet your dad was so proud!
and you dancing fools i can so tell you have the moves:)

Heather said...

Way to go Thompsons!!! Now that you are finally ready, the Redds are ready to have a show down! I wish I could be there to cheer you on!

The Grover Gang said...

Great Job Maizie and Kade!! I am sure you are THE BEST players on your teams!! Your girls look adorable and totally like little CHEERLEADERS!! I am sure they learned all the moves from their Awesome mom!!

Brittney said...

way to go guys! I was looking at the pic of kinners and madi and was like who is that girl with mckinnley???? then i said o wow thats madison!!!! she looks sooo different with her new hair cut! xoxox

Brittney said...
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