Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow & Piano

 The 4 oldest kids just started Piano Lessons. As excited as I am about having them learn how to play I am NOT excited to hear all the extra noise... (at least until they can play a song or two)
I also wonder how in the world are we going to fit Piano lessons and Practicing into our already
Crazy Busy Schedule...?

 When Millie woke up this morning and saw that it had snowed she ran in threw on her winter gear and yelled, "Mom I'm going to practice the piano."
  I think she might be the cutest lil' piano player ever!
So wish us luck with the extra noise... and pray I can be Patient
as we begin the Piano Adventure!


Kim said...

The Millers are jealous you have a piano to play. I can see some muscicians coming from that family. I'd like to take lessons myself. I couldn't help my kids with the first thing with piano. All the years I took and have nothing to show. Millie, you are a DOLL! I'm sure that hat helps you hit the right notes.

Heather said...

Amen Sista Amen! It is hard to hear the off notes- but fun when they start to put it together. You'll have to give us a piano reciatal when you come to town. Love Millie's hat.

Casey Gentle said...

I haven't told you this, but I might have to steal Millie's name for my baby, should she be a girl. :)
Especially with how cute your Millie is! And yeah, have a great time. The headaches will be worth it in a few years when you are blessed with gorgeous music throughout your home.

Laurel Shaw said...

Oh yeah Millie! I like your style!!

Janie Mueller said...

Awe!! Ms. Millie is sooo darn cute:)

Katheryn said...

I just love Millie! Her face in that second picture is hilarious.

I am so excited that all the kids are starting piano lessions. I love music and I know your kids do too. They are going to do great!

JaMie HeApS said...

i would say cutest for sure. and if you didnt know its the new cool thing to practice piano in snow gear.. keeps you all warmed up. im impressed. have you taught them jims fancy song?

Mandi said...

Kelly, I am sooooo happy and thrilled you are coming into town. Whatever we do I am ready. YEAH!!!!

If anyone can juggle a wild schedule it is for sure you. Oh how fun for the Thompson kids. I can hear it all know and I envision even more dancing in ya'lls future.

Gwen said...

The joys of a Mom loving upir kids more than your sanity. The noise will get to you for sure, but the joy of hearing them be able to play something will outweigh that. Wait for their first recital, or when them preform for their aunts. Someday they will play the hymns, and those amazing notes will fill your home. My advice is don't be too strict, everything will find it's place. Those that want to, learn will. Go Go Kids! I love you! P.S. Millie, I am sorry I thought you were Maizie on the phone Sunday, you sounded so grown up. You are extra gorgeous in our snow hat.

Marsha said...

Noelle takes with Elaine too. I must admit for the first few weeks I thought...really...do I really want her to take at this young age? Within about 6 weeks I changed my tune. She has learned SO much! Now she practices on her own all the time and is just darling.

Alli Hunter said...

I love that your kids are taking piano! It's something I want my boys to learn, but we haven't taken the leap yet! Kelly thank you so much for your sweet message to me on my blog. It warmed my heart and brought tears to my eyes to know that your sweet family is praying for my baby Vance, what a wonderful person you are, thanks for being you, I love you!

Shaharac said...

Agree, she is totally the cutest piano player ever! Love her eyes, she is so pretty.