(Note to Self: NEVER have a big activity that I am in charge of the day after I get back into town.)
It was one of the Craziest days of my life. As Heath and I pulled into the church parking lot to set up for New Beginnings it hit us we don't have the keys to the church. They were on my key chain 45 mins away at the car shop. I was nervous Sick, Heath raced to the dealership we grabbed the key, raced back to the church threw up the decorations, set up chairs, prepared the slideshow and had to run back home change clothes and pick up my girls. I think the clock stood still for me cause I dont know how I accomlished it all and still made it to the church with 10 mins to spare to prepare the drinks and put out the freshements. Needless to say I was hot, sweaty and thrilled as the night ended so Heath and I could eat the 1st meal of the day. CRAZY! All in All the night went well. The girls sang and did wonderful, we had great speakers, the New Beehives Madison being one of them were so cute! I can't believe I will have 2 girls in Young Womens this summer. Oh the Fun we will have! The night ended on a high note with the slide show.
The girls loved it as they watched the fun we have had through out the year.
I Loved my SmashBurger, Fries and Coke and OF COURSE the 3 I ate it with!
wow, Kelly, I don't know how you guys find the strength to keep doing the amazing things you do, but it is AWESOME to watch! YOU GUYS ROCK!
Looks as though Heath was going for a feelski! Way to go! You should've just stayed in FL longer. ;)
I hope I never have a day like that!
Heath is a superhero husband! And your pretty super too! I love the relaxed picture of you and your beautiful girls.
You are all so cute.
We have New Beginnings tonight!! And I woke up to a sick baby. I sure hope she starts feeling better real soon. Glad it all came together for you. I can't believe you will have two young women in the summer!
WONDER WOMEN! serously how do you do it all, i think you are seroulsy lucky to have heath and his helping hand and fast moves:) so gladyou ended it w smashburger i have yet to try it but keep heraing its delish!
maddy you make a cute new behive!
So glad that is over with for you! That stressed me out just reading it. You are so lucky to have Heath by your side always helping out. I know it was the best New Beginnings ever! It will be SO FUN to have Maddison in YWs! How are you getting so old? I'm thinking that you need to talk your Bishop into Nursery. For your sake only of course. Play dough and bubbles is way easier than hosting a full New Beginnings. But then what would the young women do. To bad you have to be so good at everything you do! xoxo
Wow! That does sound like one wild and crazy day. But it also sounds like it came together perfectly. I am going to New Beginnings tonight and am really looking forward to it. I can't believe that Maddy will be in YW too! Time is going by way too fast!
I bet it was awesome! What would we do without these amazing husbands to help us along. I was just thinking of your long line up of girls. You could be in YW's for a LONG time yet! Good times!
Kelly,the Thompson Team is victorious again. Where did Heath come from? Mars? I need for Dad to spend some quality time with him. Your ward is so lucky to have you seven. And no way is Madison almost there, impossible. What fun camps are going to be! Wish I was your ward cook, just to watch the fun. Love you Busy Bees!
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