If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it,
change the way you think about it.
~Mary Engelbert
It's 4:00 in the morning Heath is out of town we have had a crazy storm all day and all the night. The Kids are all snuggled in my room Kade and Maizie are in bed with me which I knew would make for a not so great night sleep. But I figured it wont be long until they wont want to sleep in my room little lone my bed. We all went to young women's tonight. Kade joined the bigger boys in scouts. It was a physical fitness night so he was in Heaven. The rest of us joined the beehives "Get Ready for Summer" Nail Polish Bash where we painted nails, had a lesson on how we are all beautiful in Gods Eyes and ate treats talked and laughed. The girls nails are all looking Smashing! As I sat in Young Women's tonight it took all I could Not to cry. "Change" is in the future as our Young Women President is Moving. It always seems just as I get to know some one or love my calling I am Changed. I will miss our President and My Dear Friend who share my same name (Kelly Clark) If we get new callings I will miss all the other leaders I associate each week in young women, and the Amazing Girls I have grown to LOVE!
With Summer Coming comes more "Change" for which I am so Excited about! I am excited to have my kids to myself. I am excited to watch the kids each morning at swim practice, eat lunch with them, stay up late, and be together. But as Summer approaches... I know School quickly follows and so comes more "Change" Just thinking about it makes me sick. McKinnley will be in 8th Grade Madison 6th grade and Jr. high, Kade 5th grade Maizie 2nd. How does the time fly by so Quickly?
I was going through old Pictures, I saw this pic of Maizie, Millie and myself, I got tender. I miss this stage of my life. This Picture reminds me How Quickly Life can Change. I see Love in this Picture, and the girls needing me, and yet they are getting big and learning so quickly they don't need me like they use to.
I miss that!
I don't like "Change" I don't Like that my Face has Changed and
that I am sporting more wrinkles today..
I am Thankful to know some things will stay the same:
I will Always Love Heath,
Our Kids will always be our kids,
and no matter where we go or what we do,
big or small wrinkles or no wrinkles.
we will have each other as Best friends!
I must teach myself to love Change as that what life is all about.
I so know how you feel. I'm going thru some changes too and I don't like them one bit. Thank you for sharing. It makes me know that I am not alone in how I feel. Best of everything to you in all your changes.
Change SUCKS, in the moment anyway!! But somehow in the end it works out for the best and we can later sit back and realize the greatness change can bring! Your kids are so sweet and your family is truly amazing at the amount of love you all have for each other! Now the wrinkles, I am not quite sure I am seeing those on you kell! You look Great! And if they really bother you, Botox works great! Ha ha ha, but seriously it does wonders!
That picture of you with Millie and Maizie is so precious. I miss mine being little like that too. They just grow up way too fast. Change is hard, but just like you said - the most important things will never change - for we are blessed to have them for eternity.
As I read this post, Kelly, I could hear your voice and yes, change can be rough, but think of all the memories and details you've saved with your blog. Change may come, as it does for all of us, but when you save the memories like you do, it's always nice to go back to see 'how things were' and to celebrate 'how things have become!' We sure love you guys!
Oh Kelly, If I did not love you before I certainly love you now. I love that pic of the 3 of you. You look gorgeous as always now and then! Change does totally stink! Abi will be starting kindergarten and it is killing me to think about,so middle school Oh I can't even imagine. You do have the most wonderful family. My time with your kids was amazing. To see how well they listen and love each other. Aaron and I were amazed. I hope we can do a great job with our kiddos like you and Heath are doing with yours.
how lucky are they gettting to sleep with you! that was always the best part of dad going out of town! you are amazing kelly and a change is good, heck im hoping in some big changes with you moving closer sometime soon:) and as far as the wrinkels i dont see 1 on ya, smooth as a babys butt!
OMGosh I want to kiss the 3 of you over and over again.
I'm with you, change stinks! I loved this post, I feel all those same emotions as I raise my "babies", why do they grow so fast! Love you and your darling little kiddos!
Nothing is as sure as change. I hear ya- I wish we could just make it all slow down. I am thinking about how much you have grown with change. How you used to maybe fear it as a newlywed and how you grow with it now. Lucky for you- your change just makes you more and more beautiful. I love you!
Dangit! I was hoping you were announcing "change" as in a baby in your future.
I hate change too. I'm already dreading the day that will come all too soon when my 1st baby bird leaves the nest.
We have such a great group of women serving in YW in our ward. I hate the thoughts of change too. I'm excited for Kelli to be in our ward with some of our great old friends, but so sad to lose their family.
Maybe you'll share your kids--and yourself--a little this summer and not keep them ALL to yourself!
We love you!!
Love that picture and that quote!!
It's hard thinking of how fast time passes on this earth!
Good thing our families are forever!!!
I would like to reach back to the time of that picture and fold you in to my arms forever. Oh a mother's love is amazing and children's need for their mother is mysteriously heavenly. How can we so love little bodies that take so much of our time and emotions. I know all of these memories that we are so afraid of losing are going to be multiplied somehow in heaven. I am once more going to grin at my little Apple Pie's beautiful eyes and smile. . . but truthfully I am all ready grinning constantly as I get to look at your little ones, radiating you and all that I have always loved. The joy just multiplies. I think change might just bring me to the beach with a bucket and shovel and five incredible Chicago children!
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