Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tampa Fishing Trip

Heath was in Tampa last week with work meetings and they got the chance to go deep sea fishing..
Here's the group!

A Face Only a Mother Could Love!
 Red Grouper

A Gray Snapper
After they were done fishing they went up and had a fish fry!
 Mike Lysenko, Brett Olsen, and The Boss!

Three Foxy Fishermen!


Casey Gentle said...

I loved going deep sea fishing when I was younger. It is an awesome thrill...and glad to see everyone was upright and not over the side of the boat! ;)

Laurel Shaw said...

i missed your blogs! You didn't do any for so long i was beginning to lose hope!!
That Mud thing looks crazy!! Hope the fishing trip was after that... he really needed some R&R!! Although you gotta put out some effort getting those babies in the boat!!
You guys are so adventurous!

The Grover Gang said...

WOW those are some serious looking fish! So glad Heath has been having some "manly Fun!" Kell, I know if you were there you would have reeled in the largest, prettiest fish ever!!!