Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

This is How We Roll!

Sunday Morning I asked McKinnley and Madison to help me get Maizie and Millie ready for Church. 
I went to check on the Progress and this is what I saw.
Madison had put a pillow in the sink to lay on and pillow to prop her head up on, while she curled Millie's hair.

What EVER it takes?


Katheryn said...

Haha! Cute. You gotta love the ingenuity of kids. I bet Millie's hair looked awesome!

Gwen said...

What a hoot! Go you two girls, live outside the box. Madison I went to mail box yesterday and found a dear letter from you. I loved the art work and you! Thank you!

JaMie HeApS said...

that sounds like a way to have the hair done, i might just give that a whirl in my salon... thik of the customers taht would bring in! love you too

Kim said...

With all that hair she has it must take hours to curl. I would be laying down to, if it was me. Isn't it nice to have the big sisters help? I don't know what we would do without them. Tell Madison I wish I was next.

Heather said...

That is some serious pampering! Madison you have some amazing skills. I love your cuteness!