Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Day of School...

 How is it Possible that school has already begun?
Summer flew by way to fast!
Our Morning started out Early, everyone left to school with Smiles.
Hard to believe we have a Child in High School, 2 in Jr. High and 2 in Elementary.
It was a rough morning knowing everyone was GONE and for the first time I was home ALONE for the morning as Millie has joined the big kids and started school.
What fun it was to hear all the exciting stories from forgetting lunch money, lockers not opening, having friends on the same lunch schedule, Loving Teachers and
Millie preforming the fun Bubble song she learned.
I think we are in for a GOOD Year!


newport1995 said...

Can't believe school has started already! We still have until after Labor Day! Enjoy these days, kids! THey go by way too fast! love you all!

Katheryn said...

They all looks so cute on their first day! I had hoped you guys would be down here for their first day of school. We miss you guys and hope the school continues to go fantastic for them!

Unknown said...

Sad that your first day wasn't here. Shannon told me when I saw her that you are still sick :( hope you are feeling better soon. Not too many more days until you find out boy or girl right?!
Hope you are well. Your kids are beautiful!

Kim said...

I have thought about Millie starting school a million times. I just knew that your heart would be breaking to have your baby heading off too. It's a good thing you have another on the way to keep your company. And McKinnley in high school? Impossible! And Kade in Jr. High? What is going on? They all looked super cute and happy! Hope you are enjoying a little quite time to yourself while you've got it.

JaMie HeApS said...

IM SURE YOUR IN FOR A FAB YEAR!!! you all looks so cute, and i dont know how you all lucked out with thompson hair but holly cow locks of gorgouse hair!!!! kelly soak up the alone time for a bit, im jealouse ;)

Heather said...

Bummer- I hate back to school! We only have a couple of days left ourself. :( You all look fantastic though. Kelly- I can't believe you are home alone. That is crazy!

Gwen said...

What beauties! And one handsome dog! I can feel their excitement! They are lucky children to have a Mom that builds such confidence in their faces. Kelly don't know how our communication got so mixed up. I love you. I always want to be with your family. In fact I have been wanting to come everyday since you got pregnant and before. My hardest challenge in life is living with the man I love to death, but who is a continual grump. Wish I had not called you on Saturday Night but waited till Sunday when we could both talk and listen to each other. Hope we talk this morning and we can start over. I love you and yours.

Laurel Shaw said...

Have a GREAT year THOMPSONS!!!