Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Weekend with Micah


Uncle Micah came to visit... And boy did we have FUN!!



newport1995 said...

Can't wait to see us some Micah! Glad you guys had fun!

Alli Hunter said...

Kelly, every time I see that you posted my heart skips a beat with excitement that maybe you had your baby!! You've never said on your blog your exact due date and I'm getting so anxious and excited to meet her through my computer!! I hope you are doing well, you look darling in all your pics, but I know all too well how hard those last few months can be, so I'm praying for you to have a happy and as much as can be comfortable Christmas! XOXO!!

JaMie HeApS said...


Gwen said...

So nice to see all your faces. How great for Micah to be with you. You look good Kelly. Wish we could skipe tonight. Bret said you took Kade to the temple with the older girls. I would love to hear all about that. Hope Millie had a good birthday. I miss you! Is little Mac going to be born on Jamie'sBirthday? or maybe Matts? I am holding my breath. love you.