Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Fair...

We spent the day at the fair...
We had so much fun it was hard to leave...
We went home dirty, tired and ready for a hot shower and our Beds!
Maizie was called out of the crowd to take part in the "Magic Show"
She Ripped up a paper into little pieces...
Sprinkled fairy dust...
She Worked her Magic and Pulled out this paper Necklace!
And was paid for helping!
Maizie and Millie would run from one ride to the next... All Smiles!
McKinnley, Maddi and Kade rode the Big rides... until McKinnley got sick and let her lunch loose... Then the little rides were more her thing!
We went to the Alligator Show and the Kids got to hold 2 Alligators!
It was such a Great Day/Night! We Loved every Minute!
Funnel Cake
Cold Drinks
McKinnley feeling Better
Dancing to the Music
Heath working the Ferris Wheel
"4"ticket Haunted House (robbery)
Watching Maizie work the stage
Singing and dancing with the Band
Watching all the Crazy People
Be Together!


Gwen said...

Oh what a fun day! Mazie your necklace is foxy on you. You may grow up to be a magician too. Kenners, Grandpa always threw up when he went on the big rides. So now he just watches and smiles. Today in Primary he was the spot light. He had to fill a pillow case with things about him. He was extra tender when he pulled out the Lagona Book and showed that he loves to go on trips with his family. Grandpa and I love our family!!!

Katheryn said...

Mmmm funnel cake. I hope that wasn't what McKinnley lost!

Maize, I think you might just be the cutest magician's assitant ever! Love those smiles!

Looks like so much fun. Being together is definitely the best part about any family activity! Love you guys!

Kim said...

Looks like a super fun Saturday. I think McKinnley gets her queesy stomach from her aunt Kim. How fun to hold the alligators. Love you all!

Mandi said...

Your kiddos are true Floridians holding a gator with smiles... I love it! Ask Maizie if she will show Abigail how to get such a great necklace. Abigail said she wanted a pretty necklace, like Maizie. Mckinnely was as cute as ever who would have guessed something not so pleasant had happened. Maddy, Millie Moo and Kade looked like they had a blast. I love watching your family as you enjoy life. YEAH, for the Thompson family!!!

Laurel Shaw said...

You guys are always on an adventure! I love to see what the Thompson's will do next!

The Grover Gang said...

Fun, Fun, Fun! Those are the moments that are never forgotten!

jamie heaps said...

oh mazie i can only imagine what a good assiatant you would have made, i bet the best hes ever had!! nothing like some fair fun, im just wondering if you were really nervouse about all the germs and your kids touching those lizards? did they have too scrub extra hard when they got home? wish i could have joined in on the fun. love you guys

Brigham Redd said...

Love the Fair! You guys make cute assistants! I suppose Kade wants an alligator now. :) I love Millie's face on the ride- she is taking it pretty serious. :)
Love you guys!