Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sunday Afternoon...

In Dwelling, live close to the Ground
In Thinking, keep it Simple
In Conflict, be Fair and Generous
In Work, do what you Enjoy
In Family Life, Be Completely Present!
Tao Te Ching
These are the Moments!
We were sitting in sacrament meeting when I noticed Millie had red bumps on her hands and as the time passed her little hands and feet began to swell. Heath took Millie out and the rest of the kids and I waited out the meeting then we all headed home to get Millie Checked out. We were told she had hives and it was nothing a little benadryl couldn't handle. So home we went...
After the benadryl a nap and a little time Millie was much better. So we took a family drive.

We found this house that was empty and for sale right on the water. We took a self helped tour of the backyard and enjoyed the beautiful trees, water and views.

I was always told: Leave it better than you found it....
We did just that,
We Filled this back yard with LOVE!


jamie heaps said...

i cuold go for a sunday of climbing trees, they are gourgouse and perfect for climbing. what a fun sunday, i bet millie would take hives any day for some fun famiy time. hope shes bumpless.

Laurel Shaw said...

What a great day it ended up being!
Hope everyone's well!

Katheryn said...

I hope Millie is feeling lots better! Looks like so much fun. Who doesn't love a good tree to climb?

Kim said...

Love the Thompson adventures! Could you leave my backyard with love? Wish we were there with you!

Shaharac said...

Love the first two pictures of you guys, that's a Christmas card shot. Love you, glad Millies ok.

Mandi said...

Your kids are the cutest! I am glad Millie is feeling better. I love sundays! They really are the best days and add a family drive and it is even better. Glad you had fun. You really do have little monkeys they certainly know there way around a tree. I looked like it was made for the Thompson troop!

Heather said...

Love Sunday afternoons! I guess you must have finally been released from Primary to feel the freedom to take off! :) Glad Millie is better. Love all the little monkeys!

Jenny said...

It looks like you belong there...at the house with the beautiful view! You should move there! Say you won't go!

I just found out my Mom is flying in on the 21st at 8pm, I know Jamie and Dean still want to get together. I'll have to figure something out!

And I'm feeling guilty for never getting those blankets to you. Have you already made your drop to the Ronald Mcdonald House??