Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Another Award...
Maizie was Honored with the "Raising Hawk" Award.
One Boy One Girl and Maizie was the Lucky Girl!
Maizie can't wait for her Lunch date to Celebrate!
And Madison was Awarded the
"Principal Award"
for the 4Th Grade!
So we went to Celebrate with some Ice Cream... Madison brought her Best Friend Zoe.
3 kids at Oakleaf Elementary and All 3 of them were Awarded with such Awesome Awards!
I Love Each One of You!
Thanks for being such Great Kids!


Gwen said...

Maizie, Good for you!!!!! Grandpa thinks you should get the bald eagle awards too. He is saving one out in the big tree in the back yard. We are going to the post office tomorrow to look for your picture. Madison we are proud of you too! You would be my pick if I was your principal. The ice cream looks tasty. Thank you all for the Happy Birthday Song. Grandpa was smiling from ear to ear,and he has pretty big ears, so it was a huge smile. Madison your Mom tells me how much you help her, I am counting on you to take care of her for me. Grandpa and I love all the amazing Thompsons!

Kim said...

Talk about superstars! You guys are the best! When you have the amazing parents you have you just can't help it. Way to GO! I know McKinnley is also the cutest smartest and nicest girl in her school too! We love you all! Good luck this week! Wish we were there to help you! We have been sending our prayers your way. Hang in there! We love you!

McKinnley said...

Good job Maizie and Maddi!!McKinnley

The Grover Gang said...

Seriously, What is your parenting skills?? You need to share a little advise with your friend here!! Although, I am not too surprised, their THOMPSON kids! Congrats to you all!!

Katheryn said...

Yay for Madison and Maizie!!! Great job guys. You two are amazing!

Brittney said...

Great job Mazie! I am super proud of you! Was that award out of her whole grade?!? You truley deserve that award! Man, your teachers must really think that you are one great and smart kid! You truley are amazing! WAY TO GO!!! Keep on rocking for next time!

Great job Madison! You rock! I always feel so special when I used too get the same award! :) That ice cream looks super yummy! Where was that?!? I quess that you principal thinks that you are one super kid!!! :) I just want too say how happy I am for you! WAY TO GO! You rock! Maybe you will get the principal award next semester! :) Love always, Britt :)

JaMie HeApS said...

whats the deal??? you thompson kids must b angels.... im thinking you mom and dad are teaching you something extra speacail over there... just wondering when there gunna pass the there secrets our way.

Mandi said...

Not only impressive but they are both as cute as buttons. Great job girlies!

Shaharac said...

What the heck do you mean NO WAY!!!! YES WAY, you have little Thompson geniuses. They are so cute. Little geniuses come from great genes! Love you Thompson Troopers all of you!

Unknown said...

You do have great kids . . . and we are going to miss all of you!

Laurel Shaw said...

they are indeed great kids. That's no secret!!! Congrats to you all.
and thanks for the sweet comment you left about our boys. They love you sis. Thompson!!

Heather said...

Wow! You guys are rocking it out there. Way to leave a great impression. Poor Florida is going to miss those amazing Thompsons! Wish we could be there to help out with all that is going on. Good luck! We love you guys!