Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Kade = AKA "The Snowball Roller"
And this is his Snowman...
Notice how "Cool" this snow man is with his Moe-Hawk!
Millie AKA = "The Runner"
She ran inside a dozen times to get carrots, scarfs and hot chocolate. Anything the kids needed!
I Love the Eye lashes on the girls snow girl!
Maizie AKA = "The Carrot Nibbler"

After a Great afternoon decorating the yard with snowmen the sun rolled behind the clouds and snow began to fall, It was a "Magical" night.
And here's our New Home!


Katheryn said...

Your new house is beautiful! Building snowmen looks like a blast! That mohawk on Kade's really is cool and I love that the girls put eyelashes on theirs. So cute. We love you guys!

Alli Hunter said...

You guys have serious snowmen making skills! Love the snow girl, and your new house looks perfectly cozy and beautiful on a snowy day, love it!!

The Grover Gang said...

Gorgeous home!! I am so glad you all have adapted to the Chicago Snow and WOW you are all great snowmen builders! Keep it up!

Janie Mueller said...

Oh my heck!!! That look slike sooo much fun!! The new house is gorgeous:)

Kim said...

Wow! I love the house! I have been dying to get a glimpse. Now I can picture where you are a little better. Wish I could sneak over for a night to get the grand tour and see you all in action. Love the snowmen! That took some serious work. Are you guys still in shock coming from Florida or are you liking the snow? I loved those last few pictures of Maizie! I had to look at them a couple of times to see if it was her or Millie. What cute kids...what fun times. Miss you!

JaMie HeApS said...

love the house, now i can pitcure where you are. its so crazy to think you were just on warm beaches and now in the snow making snowman. and fancy ones at that. what a blast you thompsons are having living around the world.

my most fav. thought the close up of mazie... so cute.

JaMie HeApS said...

oh just read kims i think we were thinkin alike... oppsie.

Nicki said...

SO CUTE! I love Kade's style. So cool! I am glad you are enjoying the snow, I for one, am SICK of it :) Bring on Spring! I am ready, even if my body isn't. The thought of wearing a swimsuit is a little scary :)

Mandi said...

It really is a perfect house and after looking at all the snow and coldness I bet it is even more cozy inside. You should post some inside pics I bet it is adorable inside.... like the last house. I love Kades. Aaron was a fan of the moe hawk.... love the girls girlie snow man. It is perfect for each one of them. What a trooper Millie Moe was doing the running. I am a little jealous of all the fun you are having. Glad you love Chigago!