Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Princess PJ's

Millie said, "Mom, why do you love me?"
Is it cause I'm a Princess?
Mom said, "Yes, I sure do love my Princess!"Millie wants to wear her princess dress up everyday, all day long.
Which worked in Florida,
but here in Chicago it's just to cold to walk around in a little dress.
Last night Millie went to sleep in her dress up and woke up crying as cold as a ice cube!
So today I decided to get her some Footie PJ's and sew on a pink princess skirt.She sat on table next to me as I sewed it and giggled, so excited to wear it.
When I was all done she danced around the house!

It takes Talent to Dance and Eat Bread all at the same time!
Thank Heavens for,
A little piece of Material
Footie PJ's...
A Sewing Machine
And Our Little Princess!


The Grover Gang said...

How adorable is she!!! I so wish you were closer, her and Ellie would be the best of "princess friends"
and wow aren't you the seamstress!! I guess I should have paid more attention in Sewing class in high school! oh, wait I didn't take sewing, there is my problem!

Janie Mueller said...

How stinkin' cute!! What a super mom to think of that...girl you should patent that idea quick!! Your princess is simply a cutie

Mandi said...

I am impressed with your idea! what a excellent problem solver! SHe is so cute! I love the dancing with the bread. Abi said to tell her friend she is beautiful! I agree with her.

jamie heaps said...

i can tell that girl has some mooves!! remeber when kinners was little and she allready knew how to work it like no other, i thinkin it must just run in there blood. love the pjs nothing better then pjs with footies and the added bonus of a princess skirt. good call. hope you packin all up for the fun trip, are your kids all sleeping in your bed tonight to soak in every last second together? take lots of pics i want all the details.love you

HARA said...

She is so stinkin cute! You are the best mommy ever. Miss you. Shahara

Katheryn said...

Aren't you just so crafty! I need to come take sewing lessons from you :) She is just as cute as ever. Those pictures of her dancing are precious!

Kim said...

That sewing machine has really been coming in handy. Your skills are unbelievable. Mom and Mrs. Price would be so proud. Lucy stays in her footie pj's all day too. She is such a cutie. I can't get over all that beautiful hair. What a mom to find a way to make her so happy. I am excited for your getaway. Hope you found some cute clothees on Friday night. Have a blast, sleep in, eat good, and enjoy just being together. Love you!