Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Move...

We had a Good-Bye Party with the neighborhood girls. We ordered pizza, put on skits, played hide-n-go seek in the dark, it was great with all the furniture out of the house,we laughed, cried and had a Great night.
Heath and Kade ditched us girls for dinner and a movie. Heath and I picked up the trucks and began loading them up.
Then Thursday night Micah flew into town
and all our ward friends came over ready to help us pack up. Heath ordered pizza for all.
The Men packed up...
While us ladies talked held babies and tried to savor every last minute of being together!
Thursday night about 11:30 we pulled out of Florida and begin The Journey to Chicago...
We ran into some CRAZY Winter Weather!
Heath was our Mighty Navigator, driving a truck pulling his car.
I was the Middle Man/Women in the suburban.
Micah was the caboose in the other truck.

We drove until we couldn't drive any longer then pulled over late at night after some pretty scary driving... our hotel room was 48 degrees and Freezing. My Cute Husband tucked us all in the beds while he and Micah brought in our luggage. The Next morning we woke up to about 2 inches of ICE covering the car and trucks. Heath and Micah tried to DEFROST the cars with buckets of hot water from the bathroom tub. Heath walked to a Gas station to buy a ice scrapper and they were all OUT!
Finally after much work we got the ice melted and continued on.
We watched cars sliding off the roads, into ditches, trees, it was NUTS!
We drove so slow for hours.... I prayed the entire time! The 17 hour drive turned into much more due to the snow and ice. We were just Thankful we were all safe!
It was so Wonderful to see the sign Welcoming us to Chicago!

Once we arrived we were met at 9:00 at night in the dark by 20 men from our new ward... We pulled in as they were shoveling off our sidewalks. AMAZING!
We unloaded both trucks and called it a night!
You got to LOVE the Church and the Men who are Willing to help!
The next day we went to see down town and taste Doug's Dogs!
We had seen this Hot Dog shop on Food Network and knew had to give it a shot!
The man taking the order is the Owner and the man who was on Food Network!
This was my Hot Dog! It was De-Lish!
If you want to come taste a little piece of Yum-
Come out to Chicago and we will show you how it is Done!
We spent the afternoon down town Chicago and before we knew it,
it was time to take Uncle Micah to the airport.
Everyone was Lucky enough to get one of Micah's Hugs as we said Good-bye!
We hope he hurries back out to hang out with us again!
Thank You Uncle Micah for coming and helping us!
We LOVE You!
Then home we came and the kids couldn't get coats and hats on Quick Enough!!!
Oh life is Good... Snow and All!
We surely Miss our Florida Sunshine and Our Florida Friends!
Chicago is a Amazing Place!
Heath did a fine job picking us out a home... our Ward seems to be great and
Best of all we are TOGETHER!!
We hope Chicago is in your plans... Cause, You got a Place to Stay!


Joanna said...

What an exciting adventure for your cute family! And I'm sure you smiled through it all. You're so good at that! Good luck in your new house, ward, state, climate, and everything else that goes with it!

Alli Hunter said...

Moving is such a hard thing, especially with 5 kids!! Best wishes with your new adventures in Chicago!

The Grover Gang said...

oh my, That was some serious driving! You were always the Best driver out of all the friends! I am sure your car load had a BLAST! I am glad you are all safe! Now you get to enjoy the SNOW again! YEE HAW! Good luck with the unpacking, I swear you always loose things in a move!

HARA said...

WOW! I love how you make everything in your life so positive. It is so great that you are all together. And, CHICAGO how fun. I feel bad for Florida though, they just lost the best family ever! I hope I can make it out there while you are there. AND - maybe you could whisper in Heath's ear that I've heard Orem really needs someone like him to set up shop! I miss the heck out of you. Send me an email with your address I have stamps, I'll send a real live letter that isn't a bill! Love ya

Unknown said...

Been waiting to see a new post. Glad you made it safe. Sorry we didn't get a chance to say good-bye.
Post pics of your new home soon.

Ilene said...

Glad you made it safely to Chicage. We do miss you guys in SUNNY, WARM, Florida. Come back to visit us :)

JaMie HeApS said...

so glad you made it and so glad you are TOGETHER. loved hearing your voice today, were for sure gunna call you and get the girls trip up and rolling.

JaMie HeApS said...

oh and you know i LOVE A CHICAGO DOG RIGHT!

Brittney said...

It seems like you are having such a fun time in Chicogo!!! Well it seems like you were in Florida your whole life! And that we were all friends from the beginning! But I am happy that you and your family are starting a new adventure together! You are right we will have to get together soon so we can see how to eat a real hotdog! And that one you had looks really good! YUM!!! But I miss you guys like crazy and I can't beleive that you are gone! When I found out it didn't really seem like it was happening to us! And I wish that it wasen't because the whole Thompson family has there own different personalities! And it was so good to get to know all of you! It was hard to say goodbye but only time will heal my heart! And I will always remember those happy moments because the is all we have is happy times! And I was happy to spend those last few years gettting to know you better! I really mss you alot! All of you and your famly were very sweet and very caring! And I always wanted to be like you! I loved the different ways that you had! All of the Tompson kids were so close! They loved eachother! But like most brothers and sister they will have there little fights but not you! I never saw your kids have any fights or even have those moments were they were unhappy! They always seemes so very positive! And I loved that! And I will miss you but there was those times were I look back and remember them like they were yesterday! Like I got a picture of me and Mckinnley in 2007! It seemed like it was yesterday! I miss that from you we always were so close! And we were unseaperatable! But now you and your family are halfway across the world! Or at least it seems that way! I miss you dearly and please give the family hugs for me! O and before I forget please tell Mckinnley to email me so I can give her my address to send things like postcard or letters! Also please tell her that I said: Like one wise person once told me if I don't see you again in this lifetime I will surely see you in the next! She should know exactly what I am talking about! See you soon, Love always, Britty-Boo <3 :)

McKinnley said...

WOW!!! Brittney REALY loves us!!! :D

Katheryn said...

I just KNEW the first place you all would go would be to find someplace really good to eat!!!! Sorry the trip was so rough, but also really happy that you made it there safely. We sure do miss you guys. And we are totally up for a date night! I wish we could do it tonight! We love ya!

Gwen said...

What a double blessing you are there. I was holding my breath those two days you were traveling. Dad kept seeing the news and and telling me about ice storms back there. I think Heath can handle anything. I am so proud of all of you. Especially your driving Kelly. I love the Thompsons! I can't wait to come in March!!!!

Mandi said...

Oh my lands! After that crazy drive is it offical the Thompson troop can handle anything thrown their way. I can not beleive the weather it would be crazy to have to drive in it. Abi has missed Millie Moo like crazy and today was a little sad with just her and cute Isaac there in primary. Give her love for Abi. I am glad that you were welcomed with loving arms and service. Priesthood holders everywhere are amazing. Go play hide and go seek in the dark for the Jammes family and break in the new house.

Anna said...

I loved reading on this Sunday of the goodness of the ward members wherever they are. I am sure you have added so much to the various wards you have served in. I get to teach little Shawn Clark in Sunbeams and every week I love to prepare and know that how powerful an influence I can have as I prepare and teach with the spirit to plant early seeds of testimony of Jesus and Heavenly Father. Anna

Kim said...

I just cried as I read this. I have been thinking of you everyday and wondering how you are. It is good to know that you are there and happy. I've tried to call but haven't had any luck so Mom has filled me in a bit. Just thinking of you driving in the storm with all of your kids by yourself made me sick to my stomach. But if anyone could do it- it would be you. Hope you are feeling settled and getting some much needed rest. We all love you so much and the updated posts. Keep them up! XOXOXO

Claudia said...

I miss you guys already! Thanks for being great friends and cant wait to see you guys again

Claudia :)

Laurel Shaw said...

We are so glad you are there safely! Good luck in Chicago.
You will be very missed!

Unknown said...

Wow! Gotta love a good snow storm to keep things exciting- we wouldn't have wanted you to have a boring trip. So glad you made it all safe and sound. I tried calling to find out how things were going- couldn't get through- so I was so glad to see this update. Chicago is a really fun city. Enjoy all of it! We love you guys- so glad you are safe!

Janie Mueller said...

We are so happy you guys made it safely. It gave me chills when I read the part about the priesthood shoveling your sidewalk. Your family is greatly missed but will bring such sunshine to Chicago:)

Marsha said...

We're SO excited to have you here! We look forward to getting to know you better. I LOVE your Happy People Quote...why not be happy? Miserable is just so...well...miserable! Welcome to CHICAGO!!!