Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Date Night

We were invited to our Friends house for
"The Adult Pine Wood Derby"
Every couple brought a car and we Raced.
We ate yummy food, played basketball and had a Blast!

It was a Great Night!


Marsha said...

I was hoping you'd post some photos! LOVE THESE! What a fun night!

Mandi said...

You guys are so cute... You whip into Chigago and already have a great group of friends. Sounds like a great time.

The Grover Gang said...

Seriously, Adult pine wood derby, that is incredible, I luv it! I am sure your car was the coolest!
It looks like way FUN!

Alli Hunter said...

You're rockin some seriously cute earrings, love them!

Kim said...

Looks like a fun date night to me. I love how you are already branching out. Looks like some fun friends. That last picture of the two of you is a winner. You both look so cute and happy. Love you!

Gwen said...

Kel, I love your big earrings and happy smile. Your hair is looking mighty fine too. Those look like great friends! I am a little homesick for you! You are such a good mother. What a blessing it was to be in your home! There is a tender spirit there, that comes from you. Lucky me, and Lucky your kids, Lucky Heath! I love you forever!

jamie heaps said...

yay for date night theres nothing quite like it. and it looks like you guys have made some fun friends allreay. was heath so proud when he walked in the room with the cutest date in town. i bet he kinda struted his stuff a bit. the earings are fab. love you

ps less then a month:)

Nicki said...

What a fun idea! Glad to see you aren't wasting anytime making new friends. You guys are awesome! Where did you get those earring?? LOVE EM!

Brittney said...

Well now the girl that was being mean decided to stop and we just forgot everything that had happend. So I am just thankful that Heavenly Father was looking out for me! :) But that sure looks like a great night! Hope you had fun! But with the Tompson's there you know that it will never get boring! :) With lots of love, Britt <3

Jonsson's Journey's said...

wow Kelly I was thinking the same thing as everyone else... so many friends in so little time you and Heath are amazing. I have lived here two years now and we dont even have that many friends. I cant blame them all for grabbing you two up I dont know of a funner couple!!!!!! Love you cutie pie ! and please do tell us all were to get a pair of those stinkin cute earrings.