It was a Great night, but... hard for me to believe I have a daughter
old enough to be going to such things!
This is McKinnley and her Darling friend Madison!
They could pass as sisters... I love what good friends they are!
McKinnley is in for a treat with all these fun friends!
We LOVE You Kinners!
YAY for more girls in Beehives than in the entire YW program! So I guess you're in a bigger area than Middleburg. :) Nothing like a great group of sisters to grow up with. Still bitter you won't be here for camp!
Wow- that is a big group! Good times ahead! Yah- I am a little blown away that little Kinners is in YW's. I love how you can see so much sunshine in your shiny eyes! You are a fantastic little lady and a great example. We love you!
Whoa where does the time go? I cant believe you have a beautiful daughter that age . How fun I cannot wait to do things like this with maddy. I bet you were the youngest hottest mama there. I have loved reading back through all your blogs Ive missed , you are so good at this blog thing I am a little intimated. I love ya kelly and Ive missed being in touch. Im so glad I have come back to the blogging world even though I am terrible at it Im going to press on and pretend I am good. Love ya
McKinnley you are so beautiful! How lucky to have that many friends in beehives with you. YW's is the BEST! I know they all love you. We just went to New Beginnings with Emilee and it was rough for me. Would you two just stop growing up? I sure love you!
Wow! Young Womens is so super fun! She will have a Blast, and it looks like there are plenty of fun friends to be with! YEAH!
Good luck and have tons of fun in YW, Kinners! We miss all of you so much!
oh my goodness kiners i cant belive your doing all this "big girl" stuff. you friends look like so much fun, how lucky they are to have you move to chicago.
and kelly love the splash of yellow on you.. so springish
I am so excited you have a big group of girls in yw. Kinner you are in for some fun! Enoy every moment it is a great time. I agree about the Yellow -Kelly it is your color.
Looks like a great group of Beehives! I'm so glad that McKinnley had found so many new friends and even a really close one! I knew she wouldn't have any problem finding new friends though because she is just so friendly and sweet. We love her and we miss you guys!
Kenners I hope you know how lucky you are to have a Mom and a Dad that love you enough to get you to Young Women's. Your friend look awesome. You are by far the cutest! Work on your Personal Progress, it will help you become an amazing person. There is this neat little Bee you can earn, if after you have your own personal progress completed, you help someone else complete hers. I can see you doing that, maybe helping someone that is challanged. I would like to know what you are working on, maybe I can work reight along with you. Be happy today! I love you!!
Kinners! sheesh! Congrats on YW!!! That is so exciting! So much fun lies ahead for you!!! Love ya Kinners!
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