Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy St. Pattys Day

Did You Wear Green?
Is he Not the Cutest Lil' Thing?


Katheryn said...

That picture is awesome! I love it! And yes I did wear green :)

Erin said...

Love it! What a cutie - girls will soon be knocking down your door if they aren't already! (and I wore green, too!)

JaMie HeApS said...

look at you your getting the hacg of this big pic thing. i lov eyou kade i think your the cutest kid around. and super handsome in green.

Staven, Ashlee, Gabe, Jathan said...

What a little Stud! I totally forgot it Was St pattys day. Weird I know :)

Kim said...

What an awesome picture! What a good looking kid. Happy St. Patty's to you all!

Gwen said...

These are my very favorite pictures! Especially Kade with the celery in his mouth. Grandpa says to tell Kade that he has something green stuck in his tooth. The Video talk was the best tonight! We want to make a regular appointment how about Sunday night at 6:00 in Utah, 7:00 in Chicago.