Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Ahhh NUTS!

I Messed up the car this morning, as I pulled into the garage after dropping the kids off to school!
I ran in the house yelling, "Heath I recked the car!"
Heath came out took a look at it, gave me a kiss on the forhead and said,
"NO Biggie, it could be Worse!"

I guess I should:
-Count my Blessing I didn't hurt anyone!
-Be Thankful Heath was so Kind to me!
-Be Happy the car still Drives!
Still makes me ANGRY! Rrrr!


Janie Mueller said...

OUCH!! At least you can still drive the car. AWE...you have an amazingly sweet husband:)

Alli Hunter said...

Oh NO!! That does stink! I recked my car twice in two weeks about 7 years ago, Stoney was so sweet about it, and that was such a relief!! Aren't husbands the best!

Mandi said...

Good ol' Heath! How sweet is that. My hubby would have kissed me and the given me a good tease about how bad of a driver I am. Sorry about the car, thank heavens for car insurance.

Kim said...

Ahhh double nuts! I hate when that happens! I remember recking the rodeo and having dad giving me that same response. It sure makes it a lot easier to swollow when they are nice. I love Heath!

The Grover Gang said...

That totally bites!! I am so sorry, at least it wasn't into someone else's car! I know this is once in a million for you, you were and probable still are the best driver! Way to go Heath for keeping his cool!

Heather said...

Oh BUMMER!!!! I just ran our car into the garage a couple of weeks ago too! Didn't do nearly that much damage though. Ouch!!! Glad no one was hurt and Heath responded just as he should. :) Doesn't that just make you love him soooo much more. Kade is a stud muffin and we like the celery. I picture Maizie in my mind in the same pose- but she would had a hot dog hanging out! :)
Love you guys!

Erin said...

What a guy! So glad you are okay, and that the car still drives.

Unknown said...

AHH Nuts, indeed!

Gwen said...

Triple Nuts!! I think Heath is the best. Whose idea was it to build those dumb crooked garages any way? Do you remember when I took you kids to school in the blue suburban and I took out a few cars.They kept announcing over the school intercom Mrs. Clark has wrecked a few cars in the parking lot, you might want to come check your car. I felt so proud.

jamie heaps said...

oh that is not how it would have gone down at my house. glad it was you and not me.

jamie heaps said...

oh that is not how it would have gone down at my house. glad it was you and not me.

Katheryn said...

Girl - you are lucky - Nathan SOOOOO would not have been that nice. He probably wouldn't have yelled at me, but he certainly wouldn't have kissed me for it!!!! Hopefully it won't be too painful to get it fixed. The good thing though is that you didn't hurt yourself or anyone else, so if you have to have an accident then that is the best kind to have!

Staven, Ashlee, Gabe, Jathan said...

Congrats on getting the sweet hubby award! THat blows when it happens, but thankfully the two of you knwo what is most important when stuff like that happens! Stav would have done the same thing :) we caught ourselves a couple of sweet ones :) LOVE YOU TONZ!