Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Friday, April 9, 2010


It's Cold here today...
 But we pulled out the paint and dress ups and the Girls were all Smiles!
 And we must Smile... it's the Weekend!


The Grover Gang said...

What a fun and fabulous mom you are! I luv it! I hope it warms up soon for you! oh, and you are quite the artist! you may have a second calling in life! ARTIST!

Katheryn said...

So cute! It may be cold there, but those feet look as warm as little Florida feet :)

The kids planted their seeds. They are so hoping that they grow into a flower! We love you guys!

jamie heaps said...

yes smiling is a must.. nothing better then weekend. and you know what that means, 6 days and counting awe ya baby

Kim said...

We have been trying to busy inside while it has been cold here too. What a fun mom- what cute happy girls!

Sara said...

What a fun idea! I will have to try the paint flip-flops with my girls.

Erin said...

So cute - you are such a creative mommy!
We miss you guys and we love you!

Alli Hunter said...

I love the painted on flip flops!! What a great idea to help welcome spring, I just wish it could make it come faster!! :)

Laurel Shaw said...

i love that! so cute! i can't wait to paint ida's toesies!

Broken Heart said...

sooooooooooooooooo cute family..................................