Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


        Happy Birthday Shannon!
I will never forget the day I found out a family of 5 kids was moving in one house down from us in Florida. I watched for them to settle in and the first chance I saw the Mom outside I ran out to meet her. Not only did I meet her, I walked around the block with her. Something about her I knew I liked! The kids rode bikes, swam, went to school together and every so often I was Lucky enough to get Shannon to come over. We would talk as the kids played on my blanket out front, or in my living roon. But I didn't really get to know Shannon unil the night I saw her out on a walk one evening alone... It was a Night that changed my life. Shannon and I grew close that night and have been buddies ever since.  I have learned many lessons from Shannon that I would have never learned had she not moved in... Heavenly Father Knew what he was doing placing us both on Green Pine Circle! And I count My Blessing Often!

                                              Things I LOVE about Shannon!
Shannon Knows how to shop from the sale racks...
Shannon can make a Mean Spagetti Dinner for 10 kids, 2 Moms
Shannon is one Texting Machine.. Been known to text under the sheets!
Shannon has a Happy Heart!
Shannon is a Wonderful Mother!
Shannon can do Anyting... Nothing gets in her way!
Shannon knows how to turn up the Radio and Enjoy a Good song!
Shannon has the Cutest Southern Accent...
She can paint an entire room in a hour...
She can make a box of hair color look like a Million Bucks!
Shannon is a Friend every Girl would love to have!

You know your Friend is a "True Friend" if...
99% of your email are from her...
She Knows your # by heart..
After being together she calls to Chat...
She will train for a Marathon cause you want to run one...
When you go to the store you both pick up the same shirt..
She sends you a card on Holidays..
She calls right when you need her most...
She can make you laugh even if it isn't funny..
You could talk for hours with out running out of things to say...
She Loves your kids just like her Own...

Love you Shannon... May this year be the BEST Year Ever!
If Im Lucky out here in Chicago!


Mandi said...

Will you share Shanon with me? She sounds fantastic!

Staven, Ashlee, Gabe, Jathan said...

She sounds like the Best friend everyone deserves! Those are some inspiring thoughts!

jamie heaps said...



The Grover Gang said...

You both are truly blessed to have each other!! Friends like that are hard to come by! cherish each and every moment!

Kim said...

So glad you've had each other. I love how you find the best friends where ever you are. Happy birthday Shannon!

Alli Hunter said...

Aren't best friends the best! Mine lives in Arizona, I had to leave her behind when we moved back, so sad. Cherish her!!

Gwen said...

I think you are both lucky to have each other! Shannon Happy Birthday!