Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Monday, November 22, 2010

I'm Thankful For...

A Fire Place...
 Every night the boys build a fire and our home is Warm and Cozy.
 Something Magical about being together as a family with a fire crackling.


Janie Mueller said...

:) It's beautiful!

Kim said...

There is nothing like a real fireplace. We the flip of a switch but there is something about a real fire that we miss. Love the cute mantel and all of your cute fall decorations. We just took ours down today and put up our Christmas stuff. Lucy couldn't wait one more day. I have been thinking about you and wondering what big plans you have for Thanksgiving. Wish we were together. Love you!

Casey Gentle said...

What time is it? Time to build a fire! Looks inviting. We don't need any warmth down here. Its been in the 80s still. BOOO! I wish we had a little fall and the colors to go along. Enjoy your Thanksgiving.