Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Check it off the list...

Check off the list as DONE!
Tonight we knocked out two important tasks...
We delivered our Christmas treats
And Maizie got a New hair cut, she looks soo CUTE!


JaMie HeApS said...

oh mazie you do look so cute! i bet at every house you delivered too they ohhed and awed and both the treats and you!

Laurel Shaw said...

Merry Christmas Thompson Family!
We miss you!
I've always loved Maizie's hair. She is the cutest!!!!!

Heather said...

Your furniture looks amazing. I can hear beautiful music coming from your piano and kids laughter all around your dinning room table. I bet your mexi party was sooo tasty. Have you found any great new recipes? Maizie your hair is Be-Au#t*FUL. I miss your cute cheeks. Merry Christmas!

Gwen said...

Oh Maizie you are adorable, as always. I wish I lived next door to you. I would love opening my door and see you

Alisa said...

Kelly! We just got your card in the mail today...and I've been promising myself for a year that I would write you. I figured your blog was the easiest way to keep my promise. :) You all look wonderful! The girls are so cute...and so is McKade, of course. Can't believe how fast they grow. Looks like you had a WONDERFUL, Christ-filled Christmas! Love and miss you!