Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Party!

Tonight we invited some friends over for our Annual Mexican Feast..
When we were finished eating we sang Christmas songs and Santa came to visit!
The Fifield's

The Kingston's (we missed you Eric!)

The Joss Family

The kids Loved sitting on Santa's Lap...
After Santa left we ate a yummy dessert. Then the Joss Family preformed for us with the
 bells It was Awesome!
Then Heath read a Christmas story for us.
Then we finished the night off with a DANCE.
We hope Santa made it home safe and gets plenty of Rest... Only 4 more days till he will be back!
We Loved being with you all!


Gwen said...

Amazing, Santa in your very own house!!!! Maizie your eyes sparkled, Millie I can tell you believe. McKinnley and Madison you are gorgeous on Santa's knee. Can you hair get any longer and more beautiful???? Kade you have a sly little grin on your face and your muscles are looking might fine. I sure do wish I could have heard Heath's story. "I can feel the love!" Kelly did you do all the arranging? It looks so filled with Christmas Magic! Are you as snowy as us? We are buried. I wish I had a new little baby doll for you and she was gorgeous and we were opening her up under your Christmas Tree as midnight. How is that for dreaming. Merry Christmas!

The Grover Gang said...

How fun are you guys!! I want you in my neighborhood!! Seriously! Santa must really luv you to make a special stop!! Looks and sound like an Amazing good time! So glad you are in the Christmas spirit! Next time could you pleas post some pics of your incredible Dance moves!! Merry Christmas!! Luv ya!

JaMie HeApS said...

that sounds like a heack of a party! i cant belive you got the big man to come to your house, what were all your kids asking for? i can not belive maddisons hair holly schmolly, it so long and lush! heath i wouldhave loved to hear your storie, did you add actions to it? i love you guys

Alli Hunter said...

Looks so fun, I wish I lived by you and could come to a fun party of yours! Also, I am loving your DIY projects!! You are so talented girly, I love it! Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. Someday you'll have to come meet my little Vance, he's an angel :) Merry Christmas Kelly!! XOXO

Kim said...

Looks like a real Fiesta to me! What fun friends to celebrate with. I can only imagine your CHristmas card list with 500 people on it from all of the places you have lived. You just keep adding more friends to your life. My kids will be so jealous Santa was at your house. Your kids look so happy, cute, and GROWN UP! Where is the time going? Merry MErry to the Thompson family. I hope you have found some time to shop and get some stuff done. We are thinking about you! Hope it is the Best Christmas EVer!