Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

so much to do...

My Laundry is piled high, shopping to do, dinner to begin, floors to sweep,
But all I wanna do is snuggle up with this little girl under a blanket and stay warm!


Kim said...

I hear ya! It's a snowy cold day here, and that sounds so good! I'd chose Millie anyday over all of that. Get little Cesears for dinner and call it a day.

Heather said...

Holy Smokes! I haven't been on here in awhile! Glad you guys are staying toasty warm. I'm sure you've got hot chocolate and cookies baking too! I hope Heath is home by now. Keep cuddling! Sending our Love!

Nicki said...

Can't say I blame you! Sounds fabulous!

JaMie HeApS said...

do it, order some pizza, the laundry will be there tom and snuggle away, wish we could join ya.

Janie Mueller said...

Order some take out for dinner, grab a blankie and snuggle up!!

Alli Hunter said...

Sounds good to me! Your such an amazing mom Kelly, I really look up to you! xoxo!

Katheryn said...

You guys are too cute! Snuggle up and be warm. Just forget about all the other stuff!

HARA said...

That's exactly what you should do! I've been blogging again, FINALLY! Love you.

The Grover Gang said...

How cute is that pic!~ Laundry and cleaning always be put on the back burner!! Keep snuggling!

Gwen said...

Millie will remember the snuggling, are you sticking the hair dryer under the blanket for an extra boast. Dad and I keep watching the Polar Express under a blanket. Oh ya!