Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Life is Good!

Sometimes I wonder why life has to be so Rough!
I have a Friend with 5 kids who husband just lost his job, A friend who little boy has several surgery's ahead of him, a friend who's Mom has cancer, A Friend who just had back surgery, A friend who boy is struggling with drugs, A friend who's 9 year old daughter needs open heart surgery here soon. McKinnley's and Madison's best friends are moving away this week. Being a mother of 5 I often feel overwhelmed, with church callings, being Mom, the house cleaner, to cook, the homeworker helper, wondering am I doing OK raising these kids...? Do I tell Heath I love him enough and Thank You enough for the wonderful life he provides for us?  I wonder why we have to deal with such hard things.
 I wish I could take away the fear, sadness and hurt.
My younger sister Jamie taught me;
"We Can Do Hard Things"...

 Today as I cleaned my house I look to the good things in life,  I am counting my blessings,
 I am truly BLESSED!

Milllie wanted to blow bubbles and so we went outside on the back patio and she blew until her heart was content. I loved to watch her as she smiled, giggled, and how her hair blew in the wind.
It felt good to stop the cleaning, go out and just enjoy the warm windy
weather, and all of Millie's Cuteness.
 I know my Heavenly Father loves Me.

Even though life is Hard, we do have a lot of things to be Thankful for!
Things to be Happy about!
Count your Blessings and you will see that,
Life is Good!


HARA said...

She is such a cutie. It's hard being a grown up a lot of the times. I love hearing the kids laugh at silly things more than anything. I am thankful for all my blessings, including you! Thanks for the reminder. Love you Thompson family.

Casey Gentle said...

I realize how often I have so much to be thankful for. Thank you for reminding me to count 'em up today. And if it were only up to me, this baby in my belly would be named Millie. But my husband has given me a big fat no on that. Back to counting my blessings. ;)

Janie Mueller said...

Things have been really hectic in our life recently. THANK YOU for reminding me to stop and count my blessings!

The Grover Gang said...

I have been feeling the exact same way lately! Counting our blessings is the only thing that makes life seem a little easier sometimes! Knowing our Heavenly Father luvs us unconditionally is a life savor! Today we will remember to count every thing we are thankful for again and again! THANKS!!

newport1995 said...

Wow, Kelly, you hit it right on the nail...we really do have a lot to be grateful for. It's so easy to forget that hard things are just challenges to overcome. And, yes, some challenges are harder than others...I can't imagine dealing with someone else's challenges when I have so many of my own to overcome...but with reminders like yours and friends like you, somehow those challenges don't seem so unbearable. Thank you!

Anna said...

Amen and Amen!
Love you...thanks for the reminder.

Laurel Shaw said...

Why does life have to be so tough?
That's alot of sad stuff at the beginning! I don't think i could handle any of that! I think that's why the Lord does not give us more than we handle. Yes! Be thankful for the good in life and let us all press on!

Jenna Wood said...

I think that life has to be hard otherwise we wouldn't need and want to depend on our Savior. If we could all have the easy life that we've mapped out for ourselves we wouldn't learn nearly as much as we do following the plan our Heavenly Father has for us.

I honestly don't think that I'd have the testimony of the Atonement that I have today without the trials.

But even that doesn't make our trials easy. This life is hard! But we are blessed by the difficulty.

Alli Hunter said...

Oh I love this kelly! So true, life is so hard sometimes. Thanks for being such an amazing person :)

chuda said...

mom you are the most best mom i have ever ment i love you and i cant wait until i can be in young womens
with you and mckinnley and also girls camp thankyou for all my things you given me i love you madison

Marsha said...

Thanks, Kelly. I feel the same way. Last night I sobbed to Eric feeling so selfish to ask God to releive my pain when others are suffering so much more. I woulldn't trade my family's challenges for anything. We have learned so much and found such happiness through the trials.

Hillary said...

I think this was exactly what I needed to hear tonight. Bri and I signed away our house today. We know this is right for us now, but why do we have to do these things. Life is hard,... but we can do hard things. Thanks for reminding me how blessed I am to have all I do. Bubbles are the best, I love the smiles they bring. Thanks Love Hill