Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pop Cans

Kade has been collecting pop cans for several months for his Missionary Fund.
He was so Excited to take Grandma and Grandpa with him to turn in his cans.
He bagged his cans and filled the car up and we took them to the Recycle Center.
Kade was beaming with Excitement. He watched the scale as the cans stacked up.
His little brain was a turning as he added up how much the thought he had earned.
The Big Pay Out was Beautiful!
He walked away $50.00 dollars Richer.
 We are so proud of you Kade, we know you will be a Awesome Missionary some day!
We better give a HUGE shout out to those that have Contributed cans to The Fund!
We will miss the Malaga family and those Diet Coke cans!


Katheryn said...

Wow Kade! That is fantastic. Way to be an entrepreneur! You keep saving like that and you'll have your mission fund nice and fat in no time!

JaMie HeApS said...

kade i think you should come live by the heaps because your aunt jamie would pull in a whoppin 50$ with just my diet coke cans. im so proud of you that is awsome:)

newport1995 said...

Ohmyheck, Kade! That is so cool! I used to collect cans and money-back bottles when I was your age! It's a great way to earn money! Way to go bro!

Casey Gentle said...

That is GREAT! Way to go Kade. What great examples you two are to him.

Heather said...

Nice work Kade! You are going to be a great missionary with your charming smile and outstanding determination!
We love you!

Gwen said...

Kade, you are awesome! I know that $50.00 will really be saved. You definitely are going to make an amazing missionary. Four more days and I get to hug the Thompsons. I can't wait.

Laurel Shaw said...

I love this idea! Mind if I steal it? It's a great way to start them out!! Kade is a great boy. I showed the boys this post-Lets hope it gives them a few ideas!!
Awesome Job Kade!!

Kelli said...

Way to go, Kade!! You are such a great example to the other boys! Thanks for being such a great friend to Jackson!

Marsha said...

Eric might not be able to contribute as much as the Malagas, but he'll keep saving up for Kade! Fantastic idea!