Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pine Wood Derby

This year Kade was old enough to be in the "Pine Wood Derby"
The boys took this Very Serious!
With a lot of late night carving... and early morning painting the car turned out Amazing!
This is what the Finish Product looked like!

This is some photos of Kade as he watched his car Win!
Heath loved it too!
Kade took 5Th Place...
and Won the car with the Most Bling!

Nice Work Boys!


Mandi said...

I love Kades face! Congrats to kade and Heath! Who do you think was more excited to make the car? Kade or Heath? I love watching dad's with their sons -very cute!

Alli Hunter said...

Hooray! I love the pine wood derby! Crew just did his first last fall and loved it! Aren't boys fun! ;)

Janie Mueller said...

Great looking car!! Pine Wood Derby is sooo much fun:)

Katheryn said...

Very cool car!!! Heath and Kade did some really awesome work together on that car!

The Grover Gang said...

Bling, I luv Bling! I luv this program, it brings dads and boys together! Congrats on the win and the car looks amazing!

jamie heaps said...

ooh kaders you looking so handosme in that scouting uni... and that car looks super dupper fast...good work

Kim said...

What that looks like a winner to me. I know how much time goes into those little things and yours is unbelievable. Way to go Dad! I love how you captured both of their expressions. Love those pinewood Derbys! We are so lucky to have our one and only scouts! Love you Kade!

Erin said...

What a car! It looks like they both had so much fun. Emma's troop was supposed to compete in a Powder Puff Pinewood Derby, but other things got in the way - maybe next year!
PS we miss you guys!

Prime Time Real Estate said...


The car looks awesome!!! Tyler is working on his car right now.

This year he told me he wanted to do it all by himself. I can't even touch the car.

So I set him up in his workshop. The first thing he did was cut the car in half right thru the wheel slots. Needless to say we will be making a trip to the scout office to buy a new car kit.


Heather said...

Wow! Good lookin' car and good lookin' boys. Love how great the car looks- I bet it was a blast working on it together! Love all the smiles! Millies princess pj's are darling!

Anna said...

This blog brought back such great memories of Pine Wood Derby fun...enjoy every minute of it...I have to say our boys and Thel had some fast and winning cars (several first places) but none of them looked as cool as Kade's! Anna