Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Monday, March 22, 2010


My Heavenly Father Loves Me!

Whenever I hear the song of a bird
or look at the blue, blue sky,
Whenever I feel the rain on my face
or the wind as it rushes by,
Whenever I touch a velvet rose
or walk by a lilac tree,
I'm glad that I live in this beautiful world
Heavenly Father created for me.

He gave me my eyes that I might see
The color of butterfly wings
He gave my ears that I might hear
The Magical sounds of things
He gave me life, my mind, my heart
I thank him reverently
For all his creations, of which I'm a part
Yes, I Know Heavenly Father Loves Me!

Yesterday in Relief Society we had a great lesson and we sang this song. I could help but sit back and think how Blessed we are!
I'm Thankful for:
Hands: to wipe snotty noses, tie shoes, curl hair, cook dinner, hold my kids, hold hands, painting little finger nails, color with the kids...
Eyes: to see my kids smile, watch sunsets, look into Heath Big blue eyes, watch the change of seasons...
Ears: to Listen to good music, hear the kids laugh, talk on the phone with friends and family, hear my kids pray, late night talks with Heath in bed, listening and learning at church ...
Mouth: To enjoy a yummy meal, kiss, sing, laugh, have a family talk around the table...

I am Blessed


Erin said...

I totally agree! May I add one thing I am thankful for? The feeling of warmth of a little body snuggled up against Mommy!
Thanks for this beautiful Monday morning post!

Kim said...

We sang that song in RS too and I had those same thoughts. Life is good! How did we get so blessed? I love how you always find the good in everyday. With all the craziness that I know comes with 5 kids and and busy busy life -you always seem so happy and grateful. You are a good example! Love you!

Laurel Shaw said...

That was beautiful! Relief Society and Primary combined! Sounds perfect! WE miss you guys at church. It just isn't the same without the beautiful Thompson family!

Laurel Shaw said...

p.s. Sorry about the car! Wreaks are scary. Glad you're ok!

Jonsson's Journey's said...

I love this ! Thanks for reminding us all what is truly important, sometimes its hard to always remember in our daily BUSY lives. I love this song your post made me jealous , I wish my ward would have sang this song yesterday . It was such a beautiful day here it would have been a perfect song. I love ya and Im so glad I can come read your posts and always feel better after. I didn't delete my post I am just editing it and adding to it, it will be back. your so sweet I love your kind words. OH and I just love what a CUTE sweet grandma your mom is I love your posts that have her in them and show all her cute things she does with her precious grandkids how blessed they are to have her. I wish every grandma was like your mom what a better place this would be!

Alli Hunter said...

What a cute post! Love that song too, happy spring!!

jamie heaps said...

awe ya baby.

The Grover Gang said...

That song is one of my all time favs! Sometimes you just sing songs going through the motions and not really listening to what you are actually singing, and this song is amazing! Your posts are always so uplifting and inspiring! Thanks for sharing!

Casey Gentle said...

You are SO right! Thank you for sharing that. So much to be thankful for and its all because of a loving Father. Amazing.

Katheryn said...

That is one of my favorite songs! We really do have so much to be thankful for. Heavenly Father is so generous. He literally pours them down on us. May everyday leave you feeling so blessed!

Heather said...

Oh that is one of my very favorite songs. I am thankful heavenly Father created you and put you and Heath together. You are a great lady! I love you.

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Staven, Ashlee, Gabe, Jathan said...

Amen Sister! You nailed it! You are a good example to me to be thankful when times are tough and not going how I want them to go! Thanks Kells! Love you

Gwen said...

Kelly you are a missionary, a true blue friend that weeps for others and rejoices with all. I can't believe you are mine! XOXOXO