Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Cinnamon or Cumin?

 I made toast this morning and decided to mix up some cinnamon sugar. I headed to the spice cuboard and pulled out what I thought was the cinnamon and began to mix and sprinkle it on top of the buttered toast. I cut it up and put everthing on the table to eat. Maizie jumped right on the toast and began to eat...
It wasn't until after I started to clean up did I see that I had added Cumin rather than Cinnamon... Opps!
 Cumin Toast! YUCK!
What Sweet Heart she didn't even Complain!


Katheryn said...

Sounds like something I would do! Ha! Good for Maize for being such a great sport about it. She is such a sweetheart. Her hair looks so cute! Did she get it cut?

Kim said...

Ummm! I bet Maizie just thought it was another fancy dish her dad made with fancy spices. I'm sure your kids have acuired a taste for cumin. I love you Maizie. You do look extra adorable in the picture. Hope you indured your wild night last night with all that you had going. I am sure that Kade had the best looking Scout shirt in the group.

Kim said...

Kelly - I'm worried about your ultra sniffer nose. I would have bet money that your nose would have detected the difference before the cumin hit the toast. Do you have a cold?

Staven, Ashlee, Gabe, Jathan said...

Yummy Cumin toast! mmmmm! Thats quite funny. And her Hair is SO cute!!! I love you! Thank you for being so faithful and commenting on my blog :) You make me feel so good!

Erin said...

You crazy momma! What a sweet girl not to say anything!

JaMie HeApS said...

yes do you have a cold, i was just thinkin the same thing how could that have slipped by you? mazie you are getting so big, mabey the cumin is the secret.

Heather said...

Hey-it wasn't just cumin toast- it was cumin SUGAR toast- and in my family that little "S" word makes up for a lot. Clearly, Heath's nose wasn't around either. If you made it, I am sure it was Delish!

Gwen said...

I remember breakfasts at the Thompson's house, busy and happy, with Madison right by my side. Wish I could wish myself there tomorrow. Maizie. . . you are gorgeous and funny!

The Grover Gang said...

YUMMY! Cumin and sugar! Who wouldn't luv that? You may have come up with the next best thing for toast!! And what a cutie Maizie is for eating it!! Luv it!