Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Not a April Fools Joke...

I was making bread for dinner. Millie was on the counter being my "Lil' Helper." I had my bosch on, I turned to grab something and I hear the Loudest, Crazyiest Scream!  I turn around and Millie was holding her head and 1/2 her hair is left turning with the bread! OUCH!
I didn't know rather to cry or laugh...
 I asked her what happend and she told me she bent down to look at the bread and it pulled out her hair! Stupid Thing!
Thank Heavens for those curls to cover up the hair cut she gave herself a few months ago
and now the bald spot!

I'm Thankful...
Its Friday Night...
The Jazz are Playing the Lakers...
We are enjoying a hot plate of brownies...
Its Confrence weekend...
The flowers and trees are starting to bloom...
A rain storm is rolling in...
Phones to talk on...
Friends and Family...
The Best Husband Around...
A big yard to play in...
It's almost Easter...
We have had 2 days of 75 degrees...
Kids with Sunkissed cheecks...


Anonymous said...
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Casey Gentle said...

Note to self: little helpers need little hairnets.
That's awful. Hope her feelings hurt more than that accident.
Happy Easter. Hope you have more great weather.

Katheryn said...

Oh my goodness, poor thing! That had to hurt so bad. Give her a kiss from me. I hope despite the hair loss that you guys have a wonderful conference weekend and a beautiful Easter. We love you!

Gwen said...

Millie, I hope that experience doesn't ruin your cooking experience for life. You are brave and beautiful always. Kelly hair will grow back, I say you should laugh. I am waiting to hear from you!

Laurel Shaw said...

First the cumin now this!!!That's so sad! It only takes a second, right! She'd look cute with a little bob! Like her big sis Maizie. I love your Thankful list.it's right on! Have a great (warm) Easter Weekend!

Alli Hunter said...

Oh my goodness!!! How sad her beautiful hair!! Thankfully hair grows back :)

Unknown said...

Ouch! Poor thing. You know though, she could be bald and still be gorgeous!
Happy Easter!

The Grover Gang said...

OH poor Millie!! I am so sorry that happened! Those bosch's are crazy powerful!! Thank goodness pony tails look adorable on children and they hide bald spots so well!!

Mandi said...

Oh my lands... Millie is one tough cookie. Bald or not she is one beautiful girl. Heath better get ready, 4 pretty girls... he is in trouble. I love your thankful list and I am happy to hear that the weather is getting to be great. Happy Easter weekend!

HARA said...

That looks painful! Sweet little helper. I hope you still got yummy bread for dinner. The eggs look so pretty. What a great weekend, Conference, Easter, we miss you!

Mark and Jaleah Tuttle said...

Yowza!! Ouchy momma, she's a tough little girl! Thank you for your fun easter card! Made mine and Mark's day!!

JaMie HeApS said...

millie you little sweat pea, i am so sorry. good thing you do have sych gorgoue locks im sure it just added a little bounce to it.

Erin said...

Oh, how hurtie! I am so sorry! Give that lil' sweetie a kiss for me!

Ilene said...

Oh no, that makes my head hurt just thinking about it. Hope it feels better and grows back fast.
We miss you guys, hope you had a wonderful Easter, and a warm spring break!

Staven, Ashlee, Gabe, Jathan said...

Oh my goodness! Give Mills a big kiss on her sweet little head from Aunt Ashlee and tell her it will be ok! . Poor thing! I love the 75 degrees! So nice!