Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What a Wonderful Weekend!

Heath had his yearly work Convention in Vegas...
Lucky were we... the two of us escaped away.
Heath was Amazing with all the training he did.... Of Course!
I loved being by his side! The first night the Company bought us a Yummy steak dinner!
It was so fun to sit with some of our Favorite friends to eat, talk and laugh.

I Know, I Know... I have the FOXIEST Date! I'm Lucky that way!
Grandma Clark came into town to watch the kids!
We Loved every minute of being with her...
We went swimming.

The kids hightlights...
McKinnley, getting grandma all to myself each morning on the way to the bus! Making Crafts with Grandma. Grandma's yummy food!
Madison, cooking with Grandma, she makes yummy food! Going swimming. Watching American idol with her.
Kade, going on a walk with Grandma and having a sleep over with her. The fairy house.
Maizie, Grandma painting my nails, singing if you feed a pig a pancake to Grandma, going to McDondalds, taking a nap with Grandma.
Millie, reading with Grandma, going on a bike ride, the fairy party.
Building the fairy house!
They made a fairy house.
Inside has trees branches, leafs, acorns, a light, and if you look real careful you will see a fairy flying around inside!
We even had a fairy party and dance!
The girls are still talking about it!
Grandma was a Trooper!
We sure Love you!
Thanks for coming out to play and take care of us!
We Miss You!


The Grover Gang said...

What fun!! Your mom is such a cutie, the fairy house is incredible,She has got major talent! And you look absolutely amazing in your Black skirt and white top!

Kim said...

Kelly I have been wanting to hear how the week went. You looked beautiful! Heath is a lucky guy! I hope you got to relax and have some good one on one time with Heath. Looks like Mom was the fabulous grandma she is. Love the fairy house and I know she was going from sun up to sun down keeping everyone happy. So glad you got to getaway! Love you!

Katheryn said...

That does sound nice! Your mom is so sweet to come and let you have a weekend off with your hubby. It sounds like the kids had just as much fun as you did :)

jamie heaps said...

I HAVE BEEN WAITING!!! looks like the trip was heavin i was wanting a few more photos... next time think action shots. you look amazing and the dew is top notch! im gald it was wonderfull i want to hear all the details, i need to call you.

and the grandma time looks like she really came through. nothing like her. what fun times to have her all to themselfs.

Mandi said...

First you look AMAZING! I love that black and white dress. Aren't moms/ grandmas perfect! I am glad you got to have a little get away and get to enjoy your mom as well. She and the week sounds heaven sent. I am so glad that the kids had a great time and I was so happy to see that your little swimmers have somewhere to go swimming. I love that you put what each of your cuties loved about the week. We miss you guys. Abi's birthday party is saturday and she wanted to know if " Millies mommy could just get her here for her party because she loves her (millie)" It was really cute. We have "special presents" for Millie and Mazie. I just have to get to the post office. Glad you had a perfect week!

Alli Hunter said...

Hot mamma in your gown!! It was like Senior Dinner Dance all over again ;) Looks so fun, there's nothing like a little together time with the hubby, love it!!! So glad you had a fun gettaway.

Nicki said...

FUN! We are going to Vegas this weekend and I can hardly wait for a little down time with my hubby! Looks like you guys are settling into Chicago with ease!

Sara said...

You look amazing in that dress! How much fun to be able to dress up together and go out! And get away from the kids. I love the fairy house! What a great idea. Your kids are beautiful, too.

Heather said...

Kel- you look so beautiful in your in your formal dress. How fun to get dressed up and go out with a dashing date. Love the fairy house- what a comfy place for them to hang out!

the design boss said...

I love when you have those moments to sneak away with your sweetie!! It looks like it was fun had by all!! You are amazingly gorgeous!!

Shaharac said...

No way, Tom and I just flew home from Vegas last night, were we seriously there at the same time? We need to be in touch better! Looks like you had fun. We did to, it was so great to get away, even for a weekend.

Staven, Ashlee, Gabe, Jathan said...

Kells you and Heath are a hot couple. I love how your pictures all show how inlove you are with each other! So awesome and cute. You also have an amazing mother! So fun of her to come out and hang with the kids!