Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Decorating Our Eggs

Our finger tips will be colorful for several day to come...
Happy Easter!


Gwen said...

Kelly, that's my favorite post so far. I love the big pictures of your amazing kids. . GORGEOUS faces!!!! I love them. The picture of you and Heath gets my heart. You need to print it off and put it where you can look at it often. I see a woman with joy and confidence in her eyes. You are powerful! Strong! Filled with Love! Lucky Shannon, Lucky Thompsons, Lucky Me. Happy Easter, loved the eggs!

The Grover Gang said...

Wow! Those eggs look amazing and so do all of you!! I hope you have a wonderful easter!!

Casey Gentle said...

egg-cellent!!! you're all so cute. i love that heath's egg obviously says "i love kelly" ...right? super cute that he knows just how lucky he is. :) happy Easter to you, too!

JaMie HeApS said...

i too love the up closes with the kids they are gorgouse. your aunt jamie so loves you all. and you guys have some serouse talent when it comes to dying eggs... even if it means colored fingers.

Katheryn said...

All the pictures of kids are so good! They are just as beautiful and sweet as ever. So are you! The eggs are very cute too!

Erin said...

What beautiful artwork you and Heath created - and the eggs are pretty, too!
We don't dye eggs around here...fingers are just the beginning of colored body parts we had the last time we tried it. Maybe in a couple years...
Hope ya'll had a wonderful Easter!

Nicki said...

I just read your post about Millie's hair. OUCH!! Poor little thing! Your eggs turned out fabulous! Gotta love dyed hands. We used lemon juice instead of vineger this year and it washed out alot sooner.

Heather said...

Oh Little Millie- OUWEE Kapouwee! Reminds me of when you guys came up in the motor home. Seth got some tar on his hair and then he pulled it out and took a quarter sized patch of hair. Ouch! Good job on your easter eggs. Happy Easter!- Love you guys!

Laurel Shaw said...

Happy Easter!

Kim said...

Happy Easter!!! We even got the cutest Easter card in the mail. Why do you always put me to shame. I am always about 20 steps behind you. Every holiday I get some kind of love sent from the Thompsons. I am just lucky I remembered Easter here at all. I went to Walmart and Target at 11:00 Saturday Night with completely emply shelves. Nothing like planning ahead. Thank you for thinking of us. Looks like you had a winner. Love the eggs! Especially Heath's that says Kelly. It brought back the fond memory of him quilting your name or initials in your wedding quilt. Love him! You both look so cute and happy. Love those cute faces of all of your kids. Do you think we will ever celebrate Easter together again? I hope so. I love you all! Millie I can't get over your hair! OWEEEE!! It's a good thing you have so much beautiful hair that it doesn't even show. xoxo

Jonsson's Journey's said...

Happy Easter! (late) Looks like you all had so much fun painting eggs! Im glad it was warm enough you all got to enjoy spring time ! I cant believe her hair accident How tough is she ! Loved your thankful list. Love you